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新版-牛津上海版(深圳用)【新课标】五年级下册Unit 4 ...

更新时间:2023-03-20 浏览次数:27 类型:同步测试
  • 6. 读短文,选词填空,将内容补充完整。

    National Day is . Laura, Jenny and I are going to a poster about our country.

    We are going to stories about heroes(英雄) in our life. We wil photos of beautiful places in our city. We also want to a survey about the changes of people's life. We will be busy.

  • 7. 下面是Kitty对班上同学阅读兴趣的调查,请你根据她的调查情况填一填,补全句子。

    I'm Kitty. There are forty-five students in my class. Here is a survey(调查)about "Reading Books" . Thirty-two students like reading books. They all like reading storybooks. Twenty students like reading magazines.

    Fifteen students like reading picture books. Eleven students like reading newspapers. They say, "Reading is fun. "

    Thirteen students don't like reading books. They say, "It's boring to read books. "They like watching TV and playing computer games. For a student, it is bad to watch TV and play computer games often. It's good to read some books.

    1. (1) students like reading books.

      They think reading is .

    2. (2) students don't like reading books.

      They think reading is .

    3. (3) students like reading storybooks.
    4. (4) Twenty students like reading .
    5. (5) Eleven students like reading .
    6. (6) is good for students.
  • 8. 阅读理解。

    Reading is a good hobby. First, reading is fun. You can always keep yourself happy if you like reading. You will never feel bored or tired. Next, you can read a book almost everywhere —in a car, on a plane or even in the bathroom. All you need is a book. Third, reading is very useful.

    If you read every day, you will read faster and find it easier to understand what you read. Some people say that reading is out of date(过时的). This is not true. You can read on computers. Good readers may become writers, too. Reading is a wonderful hobby. Please start reading right now.

    1. (1) If you like reading, it can always keep you ________.
      A . bored B . sad C . happy
    2. (2) You can read a book ________.
      A . when you are driving a car B . almost everywhere C . only in the bathroom
    3. (3) You can read faster ________.
      A . if you read every day B . if you are a writer C . if you are a student
    4. (4) It is ________ that reading is out of date.
      A . true B . not true C . sure
    5. (5) What is the main idea of the passage?
      A . Reading is a good hobby. B . Reading is useful. C . Reading is out of date.

