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新版—牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级下学期Unit 2 Chan...

更新时间:2023-03-20 浏览次数:57 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 补全单词
    1. (1) 生活lfe
    2. (2) 作家write
    3. (3) 环卫工人street clean
    4. (4) 扫地车 street sweep
    5. (5) 驾驶 drve
    6. (6) 贫穷的,差的  pr
  • 17. 根据要求填空。
    1. (1) wish(动词第三人称单数)
    2. (2) use(动词第三人称单数)
    3. (3) wish(名词复数)
    4. (4) life(名词复数)
    5. (5) drive(动词第三人称单数)
    6. (6) use (动词过去式)
五、根据提示,填入句中所缺的词(请优先选择Unit 2中的单词)。
  • 23. 完形填空

    Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer called Fred. He and his wife Doris1in a small, old house. One day, a fairy visited 2. ("Fred, I'd like to give you three wishes," said the fairy.)  (Fred and Doris smiled at each other and said, "Thank you, but we don't need3wishes.") ("I can give you some gold. Then you won't have to work, " said the fairy.) ("Thank you. We're poor, 4we're happy," said Doris.)    ("I can5you a big, new house," said the fairy.) ("Thank you. Our house is small and old, but it's warm and nice," answered Fred.) ("I wish you a happy life," saidthe fairy.)

    A . lives B . live C . lived
    A . they B . them C . it
    A . some B . any C . many
    A . and B . but C . so
    A . give B . gave C . gives
  • 24. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Traffic safety(交通安全) is everybody's business. We must obey(遵守) the traffic rules. For example, we must walk on the sidewalk. When we cross the zebra crossing(十字路口), stop and look left and right, then go across fast. Don't play football on the road. Don't chase(追赶) and fight on the road. When we are in a car, we must put on our seat belts(安全带).Then lock the doors. Don't throw things out of the window.

    We can tell our parents “Don't drink before driving. Don't run through the red lights. Don't talk or laugh while driving.

    Only everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business(事情), everybody will be safe.

    1. (1) Traffic safety is the driver's business.
    2. (2) Don't play football with your friends on the road.
    3. (3) We can chase and fight on the road after school.
    4. (4) Your father can't drive you to school after drinking
    5. (5) The passage(文章) tells us traffic safety is important for everybody.

