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牛津版(深圳·广州)九年级下学期Unit 5 Sport综合...

更新时间:2023-04-25 浏览次数:43 类型:单元试卷
  • 21. 完形填空

    Sometimes, my mum likes to cook breakfast food for dinner. I remember one 1 when she made pancakes, sausages and biscuits. All of the food was great except the biscuits. They were very 2 burned. They looked like pieces of black charcoal (木炭). But my dad didn't seem to 3. I watched him eat his biscuits happily, not seeming to care if they 4 bad. My mum said sorry for 5 the biscuits, but Dad said, "You know, I like eating burned biscuits every once in a while!"

    Later that night, before I went to bed, I asked my dad if he 6 liked burned biscuits. He explained that my mum worked hard all day, and that she was quite 7 by the time she cooked our dinner.

    Then I understood 8 he told Mom that he liked eating the burned biscuits. Everyone has mistakes. Nobody can do 9 right all the time. Accepting others' mistakes is one of the keys to building healthy 10 and understanding. If we don't accept these things, we'll never enjoy true love.

    A . morning B . evening C . week D . year
    A . wisely B . silently C . carelessly D . seriously
    A . enjoy B . mind C . like D . forget
    A . tasted B . felt C . sounded D . went
    A . buying B . cooking C . burning D . throwing
    A . often B . totally C . really D . simply
    A . angry B . tired C . surprised D . excited
    A . why B . how C . when D . what
    A . anything B . everything C . nothing D . something
    A . foods B . houses C . meals D . relationships
  • 22. 阅读理解

    A company named Manta5 in New Zealand has developed an electric bicycle that can be used on water—the Manta5 eBike.

    The company describes its invention as half-bike and half-plane. It says riding one feels like normal cycling, but on the water. It uses a battery (电池), motor and underwater wings to move across water about 100 kilometers in five hours. The bikes are made to be strong, but still light enough to carry.

    Manta5 was started in early 2011 by Guy Howard and Roland who are both passionate about cycling. They used to go cycling and fell in love with it deeply. Howard had wanted there to be more choices for would-be water cyclists, and when he met Roland, he decided to try and make that happen. It took the company eight years to develop the bike, but it was able to show a prototype (原型) in 2017. The company says that a short video of that first bike got 350 million views on the Internet.

    The first bikes that Manta5 produced sold out in six months. It says that riders in New Zealand are already fans, and are using them to ride across lakes, rivers and ocean waves.

    The company now hopes the bikes will become popular in the US as well. At $8,990, however, the eBike certainly isn't cheap.

    Greg Johnston, CEO at Manta5, says that learning to ride the water bike is like cycling for the first time: You might have to try a few times, but it's a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. The company even believes that in the near future, biking across the water could be a sport, and even be included in the Olympics.

    1. (1) The eBike is ______.
      A . strong and heavy B . small and strong C . strong and light D . light and modern
    2. (2) The underlined word "passionate" means ______.
      A . confident B . bored C . worried D . crazy
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE about the eBike?
      A . The eBike can run on the road like a normal bike. B . Cycling across the water is one of the sports in the Olympic Games. C . The eBikes in the US aren't so popular as those in New Zealand now. D . The company spent a very short time to invent the eBike.
    4. (4) People ______ the first bikes in New Zealand.
      A . showed interest in B . refused to buy C . tried to fix up D . managed to protect
    5. (5) The passage is mainly about ______.
      A . a bicycle company in New Zealand B . an electric bicycle for the water C . Howard and Roland D . a new popular sport in the US
  • 23. 根据短文内容判断对错。

    Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft (载人航天飞船) went to space (太空) successfully on October 16, 2021. Three Chinese astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu were taken to space. They will stay in space for six months. It is the eighth time for Chinese to visit space after Yang Liwei went as the first Chinese 19 years ago. These special "visitors" can take fantastic photos in space, just like taking trips there. Can common people go to visit space like them? The answer is "yes".

    On September 15, Space X sent four common people into space. The four spent three days in space. Just two months ago, in July, 70-year-old British billionaire (亿万富翁) Richard Branson, and 57-year-old American billionaire Jeff Bezos, both flew into space. But some think these trips are for the super rich. With the sky-high prices, most common people should give up their space dreams. However, US flight engineer Bobak Ferdowsi believes the price will come down. "Maybe in 10 to 15 years, it's a decision between 'do I buy a new car, or do I go to space?' "

    Anyway, even we can't have a space trip now, we'll be able to have a science class from space. The woman astronaut Wang Yaping will be the space teacher to give us such a lesson just as she did nine years ago. That will be great fun. We will also be able to enjoy a space movie. A Russian film team stayed on the International Space Station from Oct 5 to 16 to film the movie Challenge. It's the first time a movie was filmed in space.

    1. (1) The first Chinese go to space in manned spacecraft in 2003.
    2. (2) Richard Branson went to space as common visitors.
    3. (3) Most common people can't have the space trip because it's too dangerous.
    4. (4) Wang Yaping will give her first science lesson from space.
    5. (5) China made the first movie in space.
  • 24. 阅读回答问题

    "It's a waste of time," I said when my mom told me to join Madcaps, a mothers and daughters club that helps charities. When she told me, I had to volunteer at a homeless shelter (收容所), I thought that things could not get worse.

    We got there late and walked to the dirty homeless shelter, where we saw a lady shouting at the security guard (保安). He dealt with her and then led us to the kitchen, where we ran into five mothers and daughters from Madcaps.

    Then homeless people started to walk in and a little girl, around 5 years old, walked up and pointed to the food I was handing out. I handed her a cold sandwich and she nodded to say thanks. She then walked over to her parents, who were seated at a large table.

    As the little girl walked away, I thought about how much I had. I go to one of the top schools in San Diego, I have a great house by the water, and I have a warm meal every night. Then I thought of how little she had. She probably didn't go to school, and this is where she sleeps and eats every day. The little girl makes me realize just how lucky I am.

    After that experience at the homeless shelter, I had a change of heart. Now, I love Madcaps and don't miss one meeting. I have gotten over being socially awkward (尴尬的) and now have many friends to play and hang out with.

    I believe that if you have an open mind about things, you can learn about yourself. You can also make a difference.

    1. (1) Was the writer happy or unhappy to volunteer at a homeless shelter at first?
    2. (2) Where did the writer meet five mothers and daughters from Madcaps?
    3. (3) How does the writer realize that she is lucky?
    4. (4) When did the writer change her mind?
    5. (5) What will happen to us if we have an open mind about things? (请用一句话作答)
  • 25. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。

    In 1997, Lottie Williams was walking through a park in Oklahoma, USA, with her friends. She picked the object up. It was about as heavy as a tennis ball. Later, scientists told her it was a piece of a DeltaⅡrocket that had been used to launch a satellite (发射卫星).

    We use satellites to send and receive TV and radio signals (信号). To report the weather and for many other things. But when they become old or break down, we just leave them there. They become space junk.

    Scientists think there are about 16, 000 objects larger than 10 centimeters wide flying around the Earth, and tens of millions of smaller objects too. That's fast! And it's their speed that makes these pieces of space junk really dangerous. If one small piece of space junk hits something at high speed, it can do a lot of harm. But in 2009, an old Russian satellite hit an American satellite and created 2,000 pieces of space junk!

    Pieces of space junk enter the Earth's atmosphere (大气层). Again. Lottie Williams is perhaps the only person who has been hit. Most space junk burns up and doesn't reach the Earth's surface. It made a hole in the ground 30 centimeters deep and over 3. 3 meters wide. Lottie was lucky she wasn't hit by it!

    A. Luckily, that hardly ever happens.

    B. They travel at around 7 kilometers a second(秒).

    C. Many countries around the world have sent satellites into space.

    D. Suddenly something fell on her shoulder and then to the ground.

    E. But in 2011, a 35-centimeter-wide metal ball fell to the Earth in Namibia, Africa.

  • 26. 根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。

    Recently, Russia (make) a robot, which can walk, lift heavy weights, use power tools and even drive. It will also be an astronaut to go to the International Space Station and then land on the moon. The amazing robot (call) Fedor.

    Fedor stands 6 ft and weighs 106~160 kg. It (take) and leave the driver's seat in a car, use tools, and stand up after falling down.

    Russian President Putin has said that Fedor will make the first landing on the moon within 15 years. The robot needn't (wear) a spacesuit when working, and it can live not only in a crew vehicle (太空舱), but even outside it.

    Experts say during space walking tasks and on other planets, astronauts (rely) on robots. And in some ways they can even do better than humans.

    Engineers have high hopes for Fedor, and have humorously named it "Robo-Gagarin". Yuri Gagarin, a Russian pilot and astronaut, (be) the first human to travel into outer space.

    During its first flight around the earth in 2021, Fedor will work as a pilot. After that, it will leave the pilot's seat and (move) out of the ship by itself.

  • 27. 短文首字母填空

    The life people live today is quite different from that in the past. There is no d that the modern car has changed people's life a great deal. Before the invention of the car, people had to travel by rail, on horseback or by horse-drawn carriage, or on foot. Using horses for traveling was slow and certainly, walking was even slower. Cars allow people to spend l time travelling long distances. Cars also s an enormous (巨大的) problem caused by using horses for transport in cities: manure (粪)! There were so many horses in large cities that it was almost impossible to get rid of the manure. This could easily drive people m. In most people's m, cars cause pollution, but the first cars actually made cities cleaner!

  • 28. 请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从下面七个选项中选择五个填入空白处,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整,一空一句。

    W: Hello, Peter.

    M: It was OK, but we didn't study music. Music is my favorite subject.


    M: But we did study geography, which was very interesting.

    W: How do you go to school?

    M: My dad takes me in the car.


    M: No, it's next to the supermarket, opposite the sports center.

    W: What do you have to bring to school tomorrow?

    M: Well, the teacher said we have to bring books, a pencil, an eraser and a ruler.


    M: Well, the computer room is great because it's new. And I like the library, too. I think it is my favorite place.

    A. Which is the best way to school.

    B. Is the school next to the cinema?

    C. I'm sure you will learn that later in the week.

    D. I see you are getting your schoolbag ready.

    E. How was your first day at your new school?

    F. We are ready to take all kinds of activities there.

    G. So, what do you like best about your new school?

  • 29. 用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    influence, mention, heat, warn, spread

    1. (1) Mr. Wang always his students not to smoke in public.
    2. (2) Our parents always think our hobbies our study if we spend more time.
    3. (3) Wait for a moment! Your dad the milk for you.
    4. (4) Her grandma in her stories when she told them to her children.
    5. (5) The bad news all over the country since they came back.
  • 30. 某英文网站正在开展关于良好生活习惯的征文大赛,请以"Good Living Habits Make Me…" 为题,写一篇英语短文参加此次大赛。







    Good Living Habits Make Me …

    Good living habits are important in our lives.

