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新目标版初中英语八年级下册Unit 9 Section B ...

更新时间:2023-04-21 浏览次数:25 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 完形填空

        Have you ever been to an amusement park? There is an amusement park in the center of my city. I think it is wonderful and exciting.

        I visited the amusement park with my parents this summer. I 1 it was a sunny day. A long line of people were waiting to buy tickets. Most people brought 2 with them: they wanted to take some photos. Inside of the amusement park were many wonderful rides 3 water rides, a roller coaster (过山车) and sightseeing trains. My parents 4 sightseeing trains that carried passengers around the amusement park. 5 felt very relaxed. I liked water rides. You can't imagine how excited you feel 6 you travel through the water. The roller coaster was very 7 with adults and kids. A lot of people were waiting to get on. But some of them 8 stand up after getting off the roller coaster!

        We had a 9 day and I would love to visit the amusement park again. It was a perfect 10 to spend your day with your family.

    A . remember B . consider C . imagine D . believe
    A . tickets B . cameras C . foods D . pictures
    A . instead of B . according to C . as well as D . such as
    A . fixed B . liked C . invented D . collected
    A . He B . He C . They D . We
    A . if B . though C . unless D . because
    A . rapid B . popular C . dangerous D . strange
    A . shouldn't B . needn't C . mustn't D . couldn't
    A . fun B . terrible C . hard D . quiet
    A . story B . time C . fact D . place
  • 2. 阅读理解

        There are more than sixty cool places for kids in Virginia, and here are three of them.

        Busch Gardens is widely known for its roller coasters(过山车). It has some pretty fantastic rides. You need to be brave enough to enjoy them. Are you ready?


        The Eastern Shore Hang Gliding Center offers the ride of your life, from 2,500 feet to 1 mile high! Bring your younger brother or sister, too. This ride is good for ages 4 and up.


        Feel like skiing(滑雪) in spring or summer? Come to Snowflex Center and have fun on the synthetic ski slope(人造滑雪坡) which is the only one in the United States. Can't ski? Don't worry! You can take lessons. We have many excellent teachers!

    1. (1) Kids can ________in Busch Gardens.
      A . ride a roller coaster B . go paragliding C . feed small animals D . go skiing
    2. (2) Kids need to be ________to enjoy the rides in Busch Gardens.
      A . brave B . outgoing C . creative D . rich
    3. (3) Kids ________CANNOT enjoy the rides in the Eastern Shore Hang Gliding Center.
      A . over 14 B . from 4 to 14 C . under 14 D . under 4
    4. (4) What can we learn about Snowflex Center?
      A . People can go there to ski only in winter. B . The skis(滑雪板)there are very expensive. C . We can't find the same ski slope in America. D . If you can't ski, don't go to Snowflex Center.
    5. (5) Which can be the best title(标题)?
      A . Have fun in Busch Gardens B . Cool places for kids in Virginia C . How to spend a great weekend D . Great theme parks for everyone
  • 11. 从方框内选出单词,用其适当形式填空。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。

    amuse,   fox,  especial,  wake,  temperature

    1. (1) Of all the subjects, he likes English.

    2. (2) The will fall below zero after the heavy snow.

    3. (3) Nancy's daughter is at seven every morning.

    4. (4) How many can you see in the picture?

    5. (5) I have never been to an park before.

  • 12. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子

    1. (1) This place is very dangerous. You should go to a s place.

    2. (2) They are from India. They are I.

    3. (3) I'm sitting c to Mary.

    4. (4) The children's favorite season is s because they can fly kites in the field.

    5. (5) The little girl f to speak before the public.

  • 13. 根据汉语意思完成句子。

    1. (1) 你尝过这种巧克力吗?

         you this kind of chocolate?

    2. (2) 这儿一年到头都很暖和。

      It's warm here .

    3. (3) 一方面,我想去参加聚会,但是另一方面我应该学习。

         On the one hand, I want to go to the party, but    I should study.

    4. (4) 动物园跟商店靠得很近,你不会找不到的。

        The zoo is quite the shop, and you won't miss it.

    5. (5) 到目前为止,我们班接近三分之二的学生参加了体育俱乐部。

        So far, nearly two of the students in our class have the PE club.

