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初中英语牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 1-5 重难点提优训练

更新时间:2023-04-25 浏览次数:44 类型:同步测试
一、单项选择。 </div>
  • 19. 完形填空。

    Though (尽管) it is spring, it is cold in Canada. Many people 1 to celebrate a sweet festival. It is the Maple (枫树) Syrup Festival. There are many maple trees in 2. People call it "the country of maple leaves". Some maple trees have 3 juice inside. People put some bottles in the trees. They use, 4 to hold the sweet juice from March to April.

    On the day of the Maple Syrup Festival, my parents take me to a very big farm 5 a cold morning. The 6 is big and clean. The owner welcomes us very much.

    An old man gets some juice from the maple tree. He pours (倒) it into a big pot and boils (煮) it. After a long 7, the juice becomes a little yellow. Then the old man pours it on a piece of ice, and it turns to sugar.

    It is time to 8! The sugar is very nice. I feel excited to eat it. It is cold but sweet. Many people eat the sugar. We have a good time. This is a natural (大自然的) gift in 9. It is healthy. It is interesting to eat in this way. I think I will 10 forget the festival. I want to come to Canada again next year.

    A . come B . buy C . carry D . bring
    A . America B . Britain C . Japan D . Canada
    A . little B . sweet C . terrible D . sad
    A . him B . her C . them D . it
    A . in B . at C . with D . on
    A . house B . home C . school D . farm
    A . time B . hour C . minute D . trip
    A . drink B . stop C . sell D . eat
    A . spring B . summer C . autumn D . winter
    A . always B . never C . often D . ever
  • 20. 阅读理解

    Jenny and Henry were born on the same day and they look the same. Their father has a taxi and he is busy all the time. He goes out early in the morning but comes back when his children go to bed. He gets a lot of money, but he has no time to concern(关心)them with their studies.

    The two children study in the same class. Jenny works hard at her lessons, but her brother doesn't like studying. He only likes playing. He is not good at writing compositions. (作文)

    One day Mrs. Cook tells her class to write a composition "My mother". After supper Jenny finishes writing in her exercise book and then goes to help her mother do some housework. But Henry goes to play football. When night comes, he comes back to watch TV. Then he remembers the composition. But he doesn't know how to write it. He thinks hard and at last he finds a way. He copies(抄写)Jenny's composition.

    Two days later, Mrs. Cook asks Henry, "Can you tell me why yours is the same as Jenny's?

    "Yes, I can, Madam," answers Henry. "We have the same mother. "

    1. (1) Jenny and Henry are ________.
      A . sisters B . brothers C . friends D . students
    2. (2) Jenny's father can't concern them with their studies because__________.
      A . he doesn't like them. B . he is very busy. C . he is a taxi driver. D . he only wants more money
    3. (3) Henry isn't good at writing composition because_________.
      A . he doesn't like studying B . he likes to listening to music C . he isn't clever. D . he is too young to do it.
    4. (4) Henry copies Jenny's composition because _______.
      A . he plays football after supper B . he forgets to write it before he goes to bed C . he doesn't know how to write it. D . they have the same mother.
四、词汇运用。 </div>
五、完成句子。 </div>
六、句型转换。 </div>
  • 39. 语法填空。

    Camp Zoo is a wonderful place. The animals here are very cute. They are nice and fto each other. But Giraffe is different. Why? He is always getting others' food. He can do that because he has a long n.

    When other animals have nothing to eat, there is always pof food in Giraffe's place. The other animals feel qbad, so they pto do something. They put a sign at Giraffe's door. It s, "The robber (强盗) giraffe. "

    " W do you call Giraffe the robber, Mr Lion?" a child asks the k of the animal world. The lion answers, "Because he takes our food away every day. He is not kind. "

    All the visitors lat Giraffe. And they stop visiting him. So Camp Zoo sends (送) Giraffe to another zoo.

    Giraffe knows he is w. In the new place, he never gets other animals' food any more.

