当前位置: 初中英语 /仁爱科普版 /七年级下册 /Unit 6 Our local area /Topic 1 There is a stuady next to my bedroom.
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初中英语仁爱科普版七年级下册Unit 6 Topic 1课后...

更新时间:2023-05-17 浏览次数:80 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

    In the USA, the school bus is a popular way for children to get to school. There are about 480, 000 1 school buses in the country. In 1939, yellow became (成为) the color of school buses 2 the color helped warn (警告) 3 cars. A yellow bus and black letters on it are easy to 4 in the early morning

    On the school bus, 5 can listen to music or just sleep. But they 6 put things in the aisle (过道). They should keep their hands and arms in the bus. It is not a good idea to 7 to the bus driver, because he/she can't drive 8 when he/she is talking.

    These days, school buses are more popular in China, too.

    Wang Li, a student from Chaoyang Middle School, 9 a school bus to school since September. It takes her about 40 minutes to get to school every morning. "It's a lot more interesting than taking the subway, because you sit with your classmates. 10 it saves (节省) a lot of time. So we all like the school bus. " the 12-year-old girl said.

    A . yellow B . red C . black D . green
    A . so B . although C . but D . because
    A . the others B . another C . other D . others
    A . look B . listen C . take D . see
    A . teachers B . kids C . drivers D . parents
    A . can B . needn't C . must D . can't
    A . talk B . listen C . come D . get
    A . slow B . well C . faster D . slowly
    A . take B . by C . takes D . taking
    A . So B . And C . / D . Or
  • 12. 阅读理解

    This is Tim's bedroom. It has a big window. We can see some flowers by the window. His desk is big and is near the window. There is a lamp, a pencil-box and many books on it. His chair is near the desk. His small bed is opposite(在……对面)to the desk. We can see a walkman on his bed. We can also see two photos on the wall near the window and three pictures on the wall behind the bed. His schoolbag is behind the door. It is a nice room.

    1. (1) The window of Tim's bedroom is _________.
      A . small B . new C . old D . big
    2. (2) The flowers are_________.
      A . on the floor B . on the desk C . by the window D . on the bed
    3. (3) His chair is _________.
      A . near the desk B . by the window C . behind the door D . on the bed
    4. (4) How many photos are there in his bedroom?
      A . One B . Two C . Three D . Five
    5. (5) There is ________on his bed.
      A . a lamp B . a pencil-box C . a walkman D . clock
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Li Tao and Li Gang are brothers. But their living habits(习惯) are different. Now let's go to Li Tao's room. Li Tao cleans his bedroom every day and puts his things away. Look! There is a computer on the desk. There are two footballs under the bed. A guitar and a kite are on the wall. Some books are on the shelf. So he must be a careful boy. Now let's go to Li Gang's room. The room is not clean. There are some books on the floor. Can we see his clothes on the desk? Oh, yes. We can also see a football and a knife on the desk. Li Gang never does any cleaning. So his room is  in a mess(混乱).

    What do you think of Li Tao and Li Gang? I think Li Tao is a good boy. Li Gang must learn from his brother.

    1. (1) How often does Li Tao clean his bedroom?
      A . Every day. B . Every week. C . Twice a week. D . Three times a week.
    2. (2) There is a guitar________.
      A . on the desk B . on the wall C . on the shelf D . under the bed
    3. (3) What can we see on Li Gang's desk?
      A . His clothes and a computer. B . A kite, a football and a knife. C . His clothes, a football and a knife. D . Some books, a football and a computer.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "careful" in Paragraph 1 probably mean in Chinese?
      A . 细心的 B . 勇敢的 C . 果断的 D . 聪明的
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . Li Tao and Li Gang are brothers. B . Li Gang does not clean his bedroom. C . Li Gang is a careful boy. D . Li Tao's books are on the shelf.

