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更新时间:2023-05-30 浏览次数:50 类型:期中考试
一、阅读理解,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Would you like to know something that our ancestors knew? Here is a chance to take a trip back in time to the following places and discover it.

    Great Orme Copper Mines, Wales

    The discovery of the copper mines changed much of what we knew about our Bronze Age ancestors. It was believed that metalworking had come to England with the Romans, but this Welsh discovery proved that the British were already working metals 4, 000 years ago. The mines are made up of five miles of passageways. Some are so small that historians think they were dug by children as young as five years old.

    Jurassic Coast, Dorset

    Spreading an impressive 95 miles between Exmouth and Dorset, the Jurassic coast is frequently described as a "walk through time. It's perfect for looking for fossils after a storm. Several beach towns along the way make for a much-needed short break. The clean water is perfect for swimming and the Clock Tower Cafe which is typical of the countryside has beautiful views and delicious cakes.

    Cheddar Gorge, Somerset

    There's something other-worldly about this limestone gorge, where caves carved out by an underground river were once used by our ancient ancestors for maturing cheese and other foods. Visitors to the Gorge can also explore a cave where Britain's oldest human skeleton, the 9, 000-year-old Cheddar Man, was first discovered back in 1903.

    Compton Bay, Isle of Wight

    Compton Bay hasn't always been a wonderful place. Some 130 million years ago it was occupied by dinosaurs both great and small. Take a walk along Compton Bay's sandy beach, and you may have a chance to find new fossil dinosaur footprints, preserved in rock.

    1. (1) Which of the following can the discovery of the copper mines show?
      A . The Bronze Age ancestors were very strong. B . Romans brought metalworking to England. C . The work of metalworking was very interesting. D . The British knew metalworking four thousand years ago.
    2. (2) What can we know about the Jurassic coast?
      A . It's a good and safe place to see storms. B . Visitors can eat some delicious cakes. C . It's only fit for people to walk on. D . Visitors must bring food when going there.
    3. (3) Where can the text be found?
      A . In a shopping poster. B . In a novel. C . In a tourism magazine. D . In a science report.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    A couple has completed a tiring 4, 500-mile bike ride around Europe in the shape of an enormous bicycle, in a creative attempt to promote sustainable travel.

    Accompanied by their dog Zola, David Smith, 35, and Arianna Saraghi, 40, rode through seven countries to create the striking image, motivated by their desire to raise awareness about climate change. After completing their 7237-kilometer journey earlier this week, the pair said they had narrowly beaten the Guinness World Record for the largest GPS drawing made by any mode of transport.

    They are also, unsurprisingly, confident that they have traced the biggest ever GPS bicycle, estimating that theirs is roughly 600 miles wide. "Being able to see it on^ the map is mainly a relief, " Ms Saraghi said after recounting the problems they had along the way.

    They initially set off in the summer of 2019, armed with a computer-designed route which they had followed to avoid cycling through Paris'Charles de Gaulle Airport. However, they were forced to stop after Ms Saraghi sustained a knee injury.

    The Anglo-Italian couple tried again that winter, before giving up because it was too cold to camp. The Covid-19 pandemic then delayed the trip's completion by another two years. "We had so many obstacles. When we started this time we were thinking—what can go wrong this time? We felt we had let people down by not completing it, and our life felt kind of stuck. So we're very happy, " Ms Saraghi said.

    The pair said they want people who see the GPS image to consider cycling shorter journeys rather than choosing to drive. "Cycling is cheaper, it's healthy, it's fun, and it's often pretty fast. Please give it a second and consider if there is an alternative to the car- there may not be, but often there is, " Mr Smith told The Independent. The 35-year-old added that they also hope politicians, who come across their GPS bicycle are motivated to improve cycling infrastructure (基础设施) to encourage the public to travel sustainably where possible.

    1. (1) What was the purpose of the couple's bike ride?
      A . To enjoy a journey with their dog. B . To encourage green travel on bikes. C . To give warnings on climate change. D . To create a striking means of transport.
    2. (2) What does the couple think of their journey?
      A . Long and comfortable. B . Creative and inspiring. C . Relaxing and relieving. D . Challenging and profitable.
    3. (3) Why do the couple feel happy?
      A . They successfully improved public facilities. B . They let people down due to many obstacles. C . They realized the dream of changing their life. D . They finally meet the expectation of the public.
    4. (4) Which of the following would the couple agree with?
      A . In many cases cycling can be an alternative to driving. B . The GPS bicycle can inspire people to give up driving. C . Better urban infrastructure prevents sustainable travel. D . Cycling is cheaper, funnier and faster than driving a car.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Just like humans, birds too rely on sound to communicate. However, they do not have a "language" in the true sense of the word and instead produce a variety of sounds to convey different emotions.

    Often, birds recognize their mates(or young) by sound rather than sight. Hungry young birds use begging calls to let their mothers know it is feeding time. Alarm calls, flight calls and warning calls are other sounds made frequently by adults.

    Anew study shows that songbirds rehearse(排演) their songs even in their sleep. The activity in the brain of the birds when asleep is similar to the brain activity when the birds were awake and singing. The team used tiny recording devices to measure the activity of individual brain cells in four songbirds both when they were singing and when they were asleep.

    Apparently the bird stores a song after hearing it, and then rehearses it later in is sleep. Scientists now believe the birds "dream of songs and tunes" to help them master the fine art of singing and that sleep plays a key role in the learning process!

    Many songbirds learn to sing listening to adult birds of the same species. However, if separated from the adults, the young birds develop sounds which are hard to understand instead of normal song patterns. Researchers carried out an experiment in which a male bullfinch(灰雀)was raised by a female canary(金丝雀). The bullfinch soon learned the canary's song and when it was later mated to a female bullfinch, Mr. Bullfinch taught his children the canary's songs.

    Last year, a British survey of London's songbirds showed that the city's birds are losing their tunes. Birds could hardly hear one another, over the traffic noise; as a result, instead of copying the sweet notes of the adults, young birds were copying the sounds they heard mos often , namely car horns and beeping cellphones!

    1. (1) According to the passage, birds recognize their mates by___________.
      A . using their own words B . listening to their sounds C . looking at their appearances D . singing the same songs
    2. (2) What does the story of Mr. Bullfinch suggest?
      A . young birds learn to sing from whom they live together with B . birds only learn how to sing from the same adult species C . it's not easy for adult birds to teach young birds songs D . a canary's song is more beautiful than a bullfinch's
    3. (3) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
      A . traffic noise makes young birds become deaf B . birds in the city can sing as sweetly as those in the wild C . birds in the city recognize their mates mainly by sight D . noise pollution causes much trouble for birds in the city
    4. (4) What does the author mainly intend to tell the readers with the text?
      A . To inform the readers how songbirds bring up their babies. B . To explain to the readers how songbirds communicate with each other. C . To persuade the readers to reduce the noise pollution and protect the birds. D . To show the differences in songbirds' brain activities when they are awake and asleep.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    As online technology advanced, websites, podcasts, and blogs became powerful sources of information that allowed everyone to stay updated on any subject imaginable. Although all of these information sources remain popular, there's a new king of media and it's online video.

    There are many reasons why online video has increased suddenly over the past few years. The first is increasing data speeds. It wasn't until recently that people everywhere had fast enough online connections to enjoy high-definition (高清)videos. However, once faster Internet speeds were provided, people quickly fell in love with online videos. A second reason why online videos have become so popular is convenience. Watching videos requires less effort and energy than reading through paragraphs of text after a day of hard work. Videos also seem to provide more satisfaction, as people prefer to connect with people they can hear and see.

    Advanced digital technology has also helped, as it has made sharing videos easier and more convenient than ever. High-powered smartphones and more affordable video cameras allow anyone to easily record an event or give a few comments (评论) about a scorching topic that is on their mind. Meanwhile, sites like YouTube, Video, and Ustream allow users to quickly upload their videos and share them with friends, family, and the general public if they wish.

    Last but not least, advertising companies have made it easy for people to get rewarded(奖赏) for creating popular videos. Some people with large enough fan bases can even make a very wealthy living by uploading a few videos every week.

    The future also looks bright for companies who post online video ads. In fact, new software allows them to watch viewers' emotional reactions to their content through the users' webcams (网络摄像机). They'll be able to see whether users laugh, cry, or feel bored during videos, so they can adjust (调整) their ads. This should prove extremely helpful, as there will be millions of videos competing for viewers' attention.

    1. (1) Why do some people prefer watching videos to reading after work?
      A . It helps them review the news. B . It helps them get information easily in a way. C . It provides them more information. D . It helps them save time.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "scorching" in Paragraph 3 mean?
      A . Unusual. B . Future. C . Hot. D . Social.
    3. (3) How will the software mentioned in the last paragraph help companies in the future?
      A . I will enable them to better understand what customers enjoy. B . T will let more viewers see the advertisements they make. C . It will cause viewers to create more popular videos. D . It will make people like their videos.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
      A . Online Video: The New King of Media B . Online Technology is Developing Fast C . Online Video:A New Advertising Trend D . Online Technology is Closely Related to People
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Being interviewed can be extremely stressful. Follow these tips, and you will go into the interview room feeling as fresh as a daisy(雏菊),with plenty of energy to focus on the student exchange interview.

    Give yourself plenty of time.

    Stress consumes much energy. . Make sure that you allow plenty of time to get yourself ready, and travel to the place where your interview is being held.

    Keep things as normal and calm as possible.

    . A Shower, dress and have breakfast in the normal way. Make sure it's a good breakfast, too—you'll need the energy later on. If you want to have a brief look at your application, that's OK. But keep it within ten minutes. .

    Get someone to drive you to the interview spot.

    Even if you can drive, get someone to drive you there. If it's a long drive, the driving will tire you out. . However, don't get the person to ask you pretended interview questions. which will stress you out and use up your valuable energy. Instead, talk about whatever else helping you to relax.


    Take a snack and eat it 10-15 minutes before your interview. If your stomach is empty, you'll be disturbed and won't have the energy to concentrate on the whole interview. Take a quick review of the content before the interview to keep your energy full.

    A. Start your day as you usually do.

    B. Understand that it's not an exam.

    C. Add and preserve your energy in the interview spot.

    D. The last thing you need is to panic and rush around.

    E. Know what questions to expect and how to answer them.

    F. Spending too much time on it will cause you stress and waste your energy.

    G. Moreover, having someone to talk to on the way will take your mind off the interview.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Last week, I was stuck on a crosstown bus during rush hour. The bus was filled with cold, tired people1with one another. Two men barked at each other for an unintentional push. An elderly woman got on, and nobody2her a seat. Anger was in the air; no mercy(怜悯) could be found here.

    As the bus3Seventh Avenue, the driver's words came from the4"Folks, " he said. "I know you've had a(n)5day and that you are depressed, but I will help out. When each of you walks by before getting off, 6your troubles into my palm(手掌). My7goes right by the Hudson River, into which I'll cast them. "

    It seemed as if a spell(咒语) had been lifted. Everyone8laughing, their faces shining with9. The passengers who had been ignoring each other's existence were suddenly grinning(咧嘴笑) at each other—is this guy10?

    At the next stop, just as11, the driver held out his hand, palm up, and waited. All the 12passengers performed the gesture of putting something into his palm. The driver13the same action at every stop that followed. Occasionally we may sink into a grey world, but someone can14it like a ray of light, showing us hope. What if we are the light? Actually, anyone possesses the15 to shine on others' dark days.

    A . confused B . annoyed C . impressed D . embarrassed
    A . offered B . lent C . lifted D . chose
    A . closed B . approached C . showed D . went
    A . bus B . speaker C . head D . air
    A . tough B . average C . important D . easy
    A . push B . touch C . drop D . take
    A . route B . day C . time D . mind
    A . gave out B . passed on C . burst out D . lifted on
    A . memories B . pride C . pleasure D . greed
    A . hard B . serious C . mad D . envy
    A . ordered B . promised C . requested D . reported
    A . angry B . fooled C . sitting D . exiting
    A . represented B . designed C . repeated D . pretended
    A . break B . brighten C . reward D . exchange
    A . power B . courage C . idea D . heart
四、语法填空1 (共10小题;每小题1.5 分, 满分15分)
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Studying British history can help you understandthe United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain and England mean. In the 16th century, Wales was joined to the Kingdom of England. In the 18th century, Scotland was joined(create) the Kingdom of Great Britain. In the 19th century, the Kingdom of Ireland was added to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. However, the southern part of Ireland broke away the UK, (result)in the full name we have today: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    the four countries work together in some areas, they still have some differences. The United Kingdom haslong and interesting history to explore, which can help you understand much more about the country and(it) traditions. No matter where you go in the UK, you will(surround) by evidence of four different groups of people who took over at different times throughout history. Studying the history of the country will make your visit much more(enjoy). The UK is a fascinating mix of history and-modern culture, with both new and old(traditional).

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Tu Youyou is the first Chinese woman scientist(award) the Nobel Prize. She was born on December 30, 1930 in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. In 1955, she graduated from Beijing Medical College and (begin) working in China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, where she is now Chief Scientist. At the age of 39, she became the leader of a research team(aim) to discover treatment for malaria(疟疾). Three years later. the team managed to extract(提取) Qinghaosu from a Chinese herb, which is very (effect) in fighting malaria. In 1986, after about 14 years of efforts, they obtained a New Drug Certificate for Qinghaosu, was issued by the Ministry of Health of China.

    Tu had spent decades on scientific research attentively before the(inspire) news came in 2015 that Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize in Physiology Medicinediscovering a novel therapy(独特的疗法)against malaria. "The(discover) of Qinghaosu is a gift to mankind from traditional Chinese medicine. It is the collective achievement of the research team. Winning the prize ishonor for China's science and traditional Chines medicine, " Tu Youyou told Xinhua.

    In 2019, Tu Youyou was nominated (提名)for China's Medal of the Republic. In my mind, she is(absolute) one of the greatest persons that make difference to the world.

七、完成句子,根据中文提示, 补全下面的句子, 每空只能填写1个单词。(共10空:每空1分,满分10分)
  • 24. 假定你是光明中学的学生李华,学校将为高一学生举办主题为"What to learn in senior high school?"的英语沙龙活动,特邀请你结合自身经历谈谈自己的体会。请根据以下提示准备一份英语发言稿。内容如下:
    1. 学会学习:方法,习惯等;
    2. 学会做人:礼貌,友善;
    3. 学会其它:考生自拟。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    Good morning, everyone!

    Thank you!

