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英语人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册Unit 7...

更新时间:2023-06-14 浏览次数:25 类型:同步测试
  • 9. 完形填空

    In our life,we meet quite a lot of people:some just pass by while others can1 our lives. Miss Bella is such a person. She taught me for two years only. 2 , she has taught me a lot in many ways.

    Every day she began her classes with a smile and a fresh face. She made me realize that warm3 could change a person. I was shy but I wasn't4 in her classes at all. She gave lessons in a5 way from other teachers. We had many6 to talk about problems in English classes. Miss Bella would thumb up(竖起大拇指) to encourage us7 someone had great ideas. Now,I8 that I have learned much from her classes. Learning to speak out your ideas is so9 in society. She also made me realize that I could be myself by showing opinions10. Her encouragement not only turned me into a confident student,but will also lead me to a successful life.

    A . save B . give C . change D . destroy
    A . Now B . Then C . First D . However
    A . faces B . smiles C . seasons D . weather
    A . alone B . active C . nervous D . excited
    A . useful B . helpful C . necessary D . different
    A . lessons B . choices C . chances D . topics
    A . when B . before C . unless D . though
    A . say B . find C . forget D . remember
    A . easy B . hard C . interesting D . important
    A . calmly B . bravely C . politely D . happily
  • 10. 阅读理解

    Techeng Island(特呈岛)lies in the southeast of Zhanjiang. The villagers there used to make a living by fishing. But now, most of them make much money by doing business. They believe that their island is a gift from nature and they give thanks to it every day. In 2003, President Hu Jintao came to visit the island and pointed out that the government of Zhanjiang should take the island into "a civilized new ecotourism island"(文明生态旅游新海岛). Since then, the island has opened a new page in history.

    Today, the island has become a popular place for tourists. It takes you about 15 minutes to get there by boat from Maxie Pier(码头). But it is a just 8­minute boat ride from Zhanjiang Port Pier. In the resort(度假村), you can not only enjoy the fantastic sights but also have a lot of interesting things to do, like walking on the beach, visiting the museum and enjoying the delicious seafood . The best way to relax yourself is to enjoy the hot springs(温泉) there. Welco me to Techeng Island! It's a place to be!

    1. (1) How did the villagers in Techeng Island make a living in the past?
      A . By doing business. B . By enjoying the fantastic sights. C . By fishing. D . By giving thanks to nature.
    2. (2) When has the island opened a new page in history?
      A . In 2003. B . Since 2003. C . Nobody knows. D . In the past.
    3. (3) How long does it take to get there by boat from Zhanjiang Port Pier?
      A . 8 minutes. B . 15 minutes. C . A long time. D . 23 minutes.
    4. (4) The hot springs can help you ________.
      A . enjoy the sights B . relax yourself C . eat seafood D . visit the museum
    5. (5) Now Techeng Island is a place that ________.
      A . lies in the west of Zhanjiang B . all the villagers live a poor life C . young people may find boring D . tourists like to visit

