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更新时间:2023-08-04 浏览次数:22 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the man doing?
      A . Renting a car. B . Booking a trip. C . Parking a car.
    2. (2) How much should the man pay for a day?
      A . $80. B . $70. C . $50.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How does the man feel now?
      A . Upset. B . Easy. C . Happy.
    2. (2) What do we know about the man's present job?
      A . It isn't challenging B . The colleagues are nice. C . It is well-paid.
    3. (3) What does the woman suggest the man do in the end?
      A . Try the new job. B . Discuss with his wife. C . Continue in his present job.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What will the weather be like tomorrow afternoon?
      A . Sunny. B . Snowy. C . Rainy.
    2. (2) Why would the woman give up driving to Birmingham?
      A . The roads will be closed. B . Her car is broken. C . The roads will be icy.
    3. (3) What will the man do if the class is canceled?
      A . Visit the woman. B . Invite the woman to his house. C . Go to the cinema
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . Classmates. B . Brother and sister. C . Mother and son.
    2. (2) What does Danny say about the final exam?
      A . All the courses have exams. B . He spends a week preparing for it. C . Most questions are based on teacher's notes.
    3. (3) What does Danny think of sleeping in the classrooms?
      A . Difficult. B . Crazy. C . Necessary.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why did Rihanna turn to sing?
      A . To move to America. B . To realize her music dream. C . To escape from her family life.
    2. (2) Which was Rihanna's first album?
      A . Music of the Sun. B . Umbrella. C . Diamond.
    3. (3) What did Rihanna do in 2017?
      A . She created a beauty brand B . She set up an educational project. C . She built a cancer treatment center.
    4. (4) How much did Rihanna's foundation donate because of coronavirus?
      A . $2 million. B . $5 million. C . $6 million.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    China has made remarkable achievements in promoting the green and low-carbon energy transition and will continue to pursue green, high-quality environmental development to achieve its carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals. Here are some facts and figures about China's green energy development.

    This philosophy for green and sustainable development has well pictured one of the defining features of China in the new era. Under such a guideline, China's green transition is rapidly gaining momentum, from developing non-fossil energy to updating the industrial structure, from investing in low-carbon technologies to transforming the transport sector.

    1. (1) Which energy has risen the most in terms of Accumulative installed capacity in Jan-Nov, 2022?
      A . Hydro energy. B . Nuclear energy. C . Wind energy. D . Solar energy.
    2. (2) Of the following countries, which one is not one of the top three export destinations for the new energy vehicles?
      A . UK B . Thailand C . China D . Belgium
    3. (3) What can you infer from the passage?
      A . Wind power is the most productive energy source in our country B . The purpose of exporting new energy vehicles is to make money C . Exporting new energy vehicles helps promote green development around the world. D . The sales of new energy vehicles are much higher than the production.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Wang, now 43 and working as deputy head of Temuli, Butuo county, Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Southeast China's Sichuan province, said she would have lived a very different life if she had quit school and got married as her parents had wanted.

    In the 1990 s, most of the girls who lived in villages deep in Sichuan's mountains dropped out of school after just a few years because they were either engaged or destined to become housewives in arranged marriages. When Wang Fumei told her parents about her dream of attending classes again, she was met with opposition. Her mother refused because Wang was the family's oldest child, so she had to do farm work and take care of her younger siblings. The lack of available labor meant the family could only just make ends meet by planting corn and rice. Wang went on a hunger strike to protest her parents decision. On the seventh day, however, seeing Wang's determination, her parents finally allowed her to go to school and her arranged marriage was canceled.

    "I envied the lifestyle of female teachers and doctors in my village. I knew my parents had their difficulties, but the only thing in my mind back then was that education can change people's destinies. If I wasn't permitted to go to school, then I'd rather die. " she said.

    She cherished the opportunity so much that she devoted all her time to studying. In 2000, she returned to Butuo to work as a civil servant. At the same time, she made up her mind to improve the lives of the people in the village, and also helped solve the problem of local children dropping out of school as there was still an attitude of "boys over girls" in the isolated village.

    "No matter how capable you are and no matter what situation you are in, you must be grateful in your heart. Only you can change your destiny: no one else can do that for you," she said.

    1. (1) Why did Wang Fumei's parents ask her to quit school?
      A . Because she was the only girl in her family. B . Because her family wanted her to get married. C . Because she did a bad school work. D . Because she had to help support the whole family.
    2. (2) Why are the female teachers and doctors mentioned in the passage?
      A . To show the popularity of teachers and doctors. B . To stress the determination of her quitting school. C . To emphasize that girls' lives can be changed by knowledge. D . To show an attitude of "girls over boys" in the isolated village.
    3. (3) If Wang's parents hadn't agreed to Wang's request, then what would have happened to Wang?
      A . Wang would have fled away from her family. B . Wang would have got married with the arranged person. C . Wang would have committed suicide. D . Wang would have helped support her family all her life.
    4. (4) Which old saying can be used as the title of this text?
      A . Who says women are inferior to men. B . God helps those who help themselves. C . The world's biggest enemy is yourself. D . Knowledge is power, knowledge changes destiny
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Benefiting from the growing popularity of social media and a craze for traditional culture, hanfu, a traditional style of clothing once worn by the Han people, has enjoyed a fresh lease of life thanks to a new wave of young Chinese devotees, including Liu and Yang.

    The 1980s-born rocket scientist Liu is also a cofounder of a hanfu community in Beijing called Hua Yan Hui. The community was founded in 2011 following a hanfu revival movement that emerged from the desire to express national identity and growing cultural confidence. "At first, people who wore hanfu in public felt occasionally uneasy, including me, while more passers-by asked about their clothing style", says Liu. It was not the looks from others but her limited knowledge on the traditional Chinese clothing that had terrified her.

    Another person, Yang Kunning, was born in the 1990 s and works in public relations. She is fond of sharing her love for hanfu online. She opened an account on the video-sharing platform Bilibili and posted videos featuring herself wearing the traditional attire. Thousands of comments and likes pour into her channel as viewers find her videos attractive and creative — blending traditional culture with modern dance movements.

    "Social media has made hanfu culture popular in China and abroad, which contributes to the rapid development of China's economy" says Yang. The hanfu market in China was estimated to reach 12.54 billion yuan ($1.81 billion) in 2022 and is expected to rise to 19.11 billion yuan by 2025, according to research firm iMedia Research.

    "It will be a rewarding experience to participate in events in the Forbidden City and other historical palaces in the capital city," says Yang. She believes that classics will never go out of style as the popularity of sprouts increases around the world.

    1. (1) Why did Liu feel uneasy when she first wore hanfu in public?
      A . Her clothes were won out. B . She knew little about hanfu. C . Her clothes didn't fit her properly. D . She didn't like looks from others.
    2. (2) How does the writer support his idea in paragraph 4?
      A . By making explanations. B . By presenting data. C . By making comparisons. D . By making definitions.
    3. (3) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
      A . Hanfu has a strong influence on Beijing's activities. B . Hanfu will be a big business in Caoxian. C . Hanfu will take the lead in the fashion. D . Hanfu will become more popular around the world.
    4. (4) In which part of a magazine can we read this text?
      A . Health. B . Travel. C . Culture. D . Sports.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    The AI chatbot pheomenon ChatGPT is changing the world and has kicked off a new global AI race, but couldn't replace humans?

    ChatGPT is one of the hottest topics in tech right now, the AI powered chatbot attracted over 100 million users just two months after launch in late November. So, what is it? The GFT pat stands for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. It's a form of AI capable of understanding human language and generating surprisingly detailed and coherent answers to questions in a conversational format. ChatGPT is so good that people are using it to write essays, draft script, pass exams and the correct computer code, all of which it can do within seconds, Some have even asked the Chatbot for psychological counselling or to create a personalized weight-loss plans.

    But what does the advent of ChatGPT mean for ordinary people? The elephant in the room is whether it will eventually replace humans in some jobs. Universal access to a capable and versatile AI powered digital assistant would significantly boost productivity in many sectors. Teachers are now using ChatGPT to write presentations, and product managers are using it to create marketing campaigns. As with any disruptive technology, ChatGPT will change the labor landscape. The jobs most immediately at threat include customer service, computer programming, graphic, design, and content creation. We have already seen AI technology replacing translators and interpreters. However, notably the impact of ChatGPT on education cannot be overstated. One study even found that 89 percent of US college students admitted using ChatGPT for their assignments. Some public schools have banned ChatGPT outright and some science journals now prohibit listing ChatGPT as a co-author on papers.

    So, the healthy development of this kind of technology will depend on enforcing honest, safe and responsible use. This will likely be a global undertaking for multiple governments, companies and academia working in collaboration.

    1. (1) What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about ChatGPT?
      A . Its practical applications B . Its working theory. C . Its language model. D . Its development process.
    2. (2) What does the underlined phrase "The elephantin the room" mean?
      A . The biggest advantage at present. B . The toughest problem which is beyond our capability C . The obvious truth which is often ignored. D . The necessity of developing AI tools.
    3. (3) Which is not one of the first occupations to be threatened by ChatGPT?
      A . Computer programming B . Translators C . Designers D . Customer service
    4. (4) According to the text, what's the attitude of some science journals towards the papers you accomplish with ChatGPT?
      A . Suspicious. B . Neutral C . Opposed D . Critical
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    China is witnessing fewer people tie the knot over the past few years, especially since the Outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    A decline in the number of people of marriageable age is one of the reasons behind falling marriage registrations and marriage rate in China.  Delayed marriage is another driver of the decline in the marriage rate. From 2010 to 2020, the average age for Chinese women's first marriage rose from 24 to 27.95, up almost four years in 10 years.

     From 2000 to 2020, the number of Chinese women who received higher education rose from 16.87 million to 154.6 million. Women who receive higher education tend to delay plans to marry and raise a family. They are less financially dependent on their partners and have higher expectation of the quality of marriage and their partners. This makes them marry later in life, consequently raising the proportion of unmarried Chinese women. Moreover, fierce competition in the job market has made the younger generation put off marriage until they are older, if not give up the idea.

    The Chinese government is paying growing attention to the phenomenon of delayed marriages and the declining marriage rate.  

    A. There are some reasons for this phenomenon.

    B. It has taken some measures to address these issues.

    C. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed some people's attitude to marriage.

    D. Looking ahead, the Chinese society will embrace all sorts of arrangements concerning marriage.

    E. Also, as their incomes rise and awareness grows, Chinese women change their perspective about marriage and family life. F. Better opportunities for women to receive higher education and work have made them delay plans to marry and raise a family.

    G. From 1980 to 1989, the average annual birth stood at 22.09 million persons while from 1990 to 1999, the figure declined to 20.85 million.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    On Friday evening in December, two weeks before Christmas, I lost my job. I hadn't seen it coming. I was1for the weekend, when my daughter, Kristil, and I planned to get our Christmas2. Then I listened to my voicemail: "We're sorry but your work assignment has ended as of today." My heart3.

    I wasn't just a single parent; I was the only parent. My paycheck was4.

    The next day as we searched for our tree, I struggled to be5as I eyed each price tag(标签).

    Over the next week, I applied for jobs 6 my bank account grew smaller. I felt as if the world was closing in on me.

    On a weekend afternoon, back at home, I glanced out the7. It had been snowing on and off all morning. I8a woman struggling to open her car door against the wind. As she got out, I realized it was my old professor, Sister Esther Heffernan.

    I rushed to the front of my building. "What are you doing out in this weather?" I asked as we hugged.

    "Well, I tried to call you last week but couldn't9. Then I called your job and they said you weren't working there anymore, so I thought I would come by." She10me a Christmas card. "This is for you" she said as she kissed me on the cheek. I11her to her car and waved as she pulled away.

    When I opened her card, hundred dollar12fell onto the table. Tears of gratitude13in my eyes as I counted. Sister Esther had given me $1,000.

    On Christmas morning, Kristil and I gathered around our tree, and I14watched as she opened her gifts. I silently thanked Sister Esther in my heart.

    It has been 14 years since that Christmas, but I've15forgotten what Sister Esther did for us.

    A . annoyed B . surprised C . disappointed D . excited
    A . gift B . tree C . flower D . card
    A . comforted B . convinced C . sank D . warned
    A . survival B . money C . life D . desire
    A . cheerful B . sad C . depressed D . confident
    A . unless B . if C . as D . though
    A . courtyards B . window C . treetops D . building
    A . watched B . observed C . noticed D . looked
    A . get across B . get over C . get through D . get in
    A . fetched B . headed C . took D . handed
    A . walked B . delivered C . sent D . carried
    A . coins B . bills C . case D . paper
    A . flooded B . cried C . fell D . dropped
    A . joyfully B . unexpectedly C . Eventually D . surprisingly
    A . ever B . never C . once D . always
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    China has numerous world-famous cities, regions, and tourist(attract), all of which are well worth visiting However, one needs to step off the beaten tourist path(get) a real feel for China and its varied interesting cultures. I was fortunate enough to spend a week in the Inner Mongolian city of Tongliao, and was able to discover a fascinating, almost magical world, few international tourists are lucky enough to enjoy, Tongliao, area in the far east of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, has a continental grassland climate, which provides long cold winters but also (relative) hot and humid summers. However, its summer temperatures are very comfortable. As Tongliao experiences(little) tourism than cities such as Inner Mongolia capital city Hohhot, there are fewer hotels that accept foreigners. Likewise, not many people speak English. However, for the same reason, the(local)go above and beyond to support strangers, and it is highly likely that you will(offer) free food and drinks in bars and cafes by friendly local people keen to talk to you, learnyou and find out why you are in Tongliao. I was even introduced a job as an English teacher while(enjoy)a beer there.

  • 18. 为了提高学生们的急救能力,你校将于下周六下午举行急救知识竞赛。请你以校学生会的名义写一篇书面通知,内容如下:
    1. 活动时间和地点;
    2. 报名方式和截止时间;
    3. 奖项设置。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


    Apr. 20th, 2023


    Students' Union

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I live on the west coast of Canada and my older son lives on its east coast. He has visited his mother and me a number of times and we have visited him there with some frequency. We also talk with each other using a computer communications programme. However, because of Covid-19 travel restrictions and the extremely long distance between us, we hadn't seen him in person for more than two years. His mother is ill and can't travel any more so we had talked about a possible future visit with him coming but nothing had been decided, or so I thought.

    Then, one day, there was a knock on the door and when I opened it, my son walked in, carrying a pot of flowers. For a moment, I didn't know who he was and then, suddenly, he was there. He hadn't told us he was coming and seeing him was a shock and a wonderful surprise. It had been years since I last cried. But when he walked in, I was in tears.

    I think that as parents, we tend to think of our children as being young and being in need of our help even when they have reached adulthood. We have two sons, both of them grown, and we love them both but they are still, to us, our kids. Somehow, though, the sudden appearance of my older son and his month-long visit that followed let me see him in a whole new light.

    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    My wife needs a lot of support these days and our son stepped up to help.


    My son left recently for his home and again I was in tears but it was different somehow.

