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牛津上海版(深圳用)五年上册英语Unit 10 Wind单元...

更新时间:2023-08-24 浏览次数:42 类型:单元试卷
  • 9.  听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下面句子排列顺序。 









    1. It's quiet.<br />2. The wind is blowing gently.<br />3. The wind is blowing.<br />4. The wind is blowing strongly.<br />5. The windmill is moving slowly.<br />6. The windmill is moving quickly.<br />7. They are flying their kite happily.<br />8. The flowers are dancing in the wind softly.
  • 20.  听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下面图片排列顺序。 









    1. It's quiet.<br />2. It's slowly.<br />3. It's gently.<br />4. It's quickly.<br />5. It's strongly.<br />6. It's softly.<br />7. It's a skate.<br />8. It's a scarf.<br />9. It's a scarf.
  • 21. 听短文,填出所缺单词。 

     Lily has a wind-bell on her . Mary has a wind-bell in her room. When the wind-bell rings, it is like the  of the . Little Tom wants to hear the sound of the wind. Tom is  some  now. He  to make a paper wind-bell. 

    Lily has a wind bell on her window.<br />Mary has a wind bell in her room.<br />When the wind bell rings, it is like the sound of the wind.<br />Little Tom wants to hear the sound of the wind.<br />Tom is cutting some paper now.<br />He wants to make a paper wind bell.<br />Lily has a wind bell on her window.<br />Mary has a wind bell in her room.<br />When the wind bell rings, it is like the sound of the wind.<br />Little Tom wants to hear the sound of the wind.<br />Tom is cutting some paper now.<br />He wants to make a paper wind bell.
  • 22. 读单词,判断划线部分发音是否相同。 
    1. (1) A. skip    B. skirt    C. skate 
    2. (2) A. scarf    B. science    C. school 
    3. (3) A. gently    B. softly    C. strongly 
    4. (4) A. softly    B. sound     C. slowly 
  • 23. 判断下列单词是否同类。 
    1. (1) A. cut B. out C. cat 
    2. (2) A. move B. quiet C. sound 
    3. (3) A. sorry B. softly C. slowly 
    4. (4) A. happily B. quickly C. strongly 
    5. (5) A. wind-bell B. window C. windmill 
  • 34. 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。 

     The autumn wind is an artist. Look, he is painting the leaves(叶子)yellow. He is painting the red. He is painting the sky blue. The autumn wind brings(带来)the good smell of sweet fruits. Pears are fragrant(香的). Apples are sweet. Shaddocks are sour and sweet. This good smell of sweet fruits makes the farmers laugh(笑了). The autumn wind has a golden(金色)flute(笛子). It tells everyone to prepare for the winter quickly. Small frogs quickly dig(挖)holes, ready to sleep on a big sleep. Rows of geese(大雁)row of good team(队), catch up with the clouds, go to the south(南方). The wind of the autumn comes hastily(匆忙地)and rushes(冲向)to the distance(远方). 

    1. (1)    is painting the leaves yellow. 
    2. (2) The autumn harvest(丰收)makes the famers 
    3. (3) In autumn, the pears are  and the apples are 
    4. (4) The wind of autumn has   
    5. (5) Small  quickly dig(挖)
  • 35. 判断下列句子是否与短文意思相符。 

    Spring comes. It's getting warmer and warmer. Everything is dry(干燥), including(包括)trees, the fields and even the air(空气). Just then, it's raining. It's as soft as silk(丝绸). It washes the dirt(灰尘)of the earth(地上)and waters the plants and the fields. It also waters people's hearts(心田). Farmers stand in the spring rain and smile(微笑). The spring rain is as dear as oil(春雨贵如雨). They seem(似乎)to see the harvest(丰收)time in autumn. The spring rain brings water into the air. It also brings hope to people.

    1. (1) It's getting warmer and warmer in winter.
    2. (2) The rain washes the dirt of the earth and waters the plants and the fields. 
    3. (3) Farmers like the spring rain very much. 
    4. (4) The spring wind is as dear as oil. 
    5. (5) The spring rain brings hope to people. 
  • 36. 小练笔,看图片根据提示补充句子。 
    1. (1)

       The wind is blowing gently. 

       The flowers 

    2. (2)

       The wind 

       The children 

    3. (3)
      The wind .
      The windmill .

