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更新时间:2023-09-20 浏览次数:56 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 根据发音规则,选择正确的选项。

    A. sheep     B. play    C. bread    D. father   E. white

    1. (1) Alice will  with Jay all day.
    2. (2) The  wears a short T-shirt.
    3. (3) My brother eats some  for breakfast.
    4. (4) Mother and  help each other.
    5. (5) Who is playing with the  whale?
三、读句子并理解黑体单词和短语的意思,选出其同类项。( 6分)
  • 8. 读句子并理解黑体单词和短语的意思,选出其同类项。

    A. twenty-first   B. nurse   C. sleeping  D. go to school   E. fresh   F. always

    1. (1) Is the kitten  now? No, it's playing with its mother.
    2. (2) Jason is a bus driver. His sister Mandy is a .
    3. (3) I'd like some tomatoes. They are and healthy.
    4. (4) My parents go to work and I  from Monday to Friday.
    5. (5) Oliver does homework on the weekend. Sometimes he watches TV.
    6. (6) Joe's birthday is on May the twelfth. Judy's birthday is on July the .
  • 17. 根据语言情境,选择正确的选项补全对话。

    A. What are they?

    B. Yes, I do.

    C. There are 40 events.

    D. When is it?

    E. Wow, so cool.

    Max: Hello, Alan. Do you know the 19th Asian Games in


    Alan: Yes, a little.                           

    Max: It's from September 23rd to October 8th this year.

    Alan: How many events(项目)are there in this Asian


    Max:  Swimming, boxing, basketball

    and so on. And there are two events in Wenzhou.

    Alan: Really?

    Max: Football matches and dragon boat races.


    Max: Do you want to watch the games with me?

    Alan: . Let's go together then.

    Max: OK!

  • 18. 请阅读Willow学校的"探秘蚂蚁"活动公告,并完成Game card(游戏卡)的制作。

    When: Oct. 9th  Oct.13th

    Who: Students in Grade 5

    What&Where: You will observe(观察)the ants in the school garden.

    You will read some books about ants in the library, such as Amazing Ants, The Diary of the ants, Ant Cities...

    You will make picture books about ants with your friends in the art room.

    You will act out your stories in the music room.

    You will watch the school ant exhibition on the playground.

    Tip: Please hand in(上交)the game card to teachers' office 103 on October 13th.

    1. (1) 请根据公告内容,选择匹配的图片。

      A.            B.            C.

         ②   ③

    2. (2) 请根据公告内容,补全活动地点④。
      A . teachers' office 103 B . playground C . computer room
    3. (3) 请为本次活动选一个最合适的口号⑤。
      A . Small ants, big world! B . Have fun with reading! C . Let's make books!
  • 19. 近几年,在我们周边掀起了一股露营热潮,来看看大家对此的看法吧!

    I'm a student. I like camping. I often go camping with my family in spring. I like to play outdoor games with my brother.

    I'm a doctor. I love the nature. Camping is a good way to get back to the nature. We can have a happy day with a tent, a sleeping bag and some food. We can enjoy fresh air and pretty flowers. And we can watch stars at night, too.

    I live in a beautiful village. Many people come here for camping. But people leave so much rubbish(垃圾).There are plastic( 塑料bags and bottles everywhere. Our village is not clean now. So camping is not always good.

    I'm a worker from Jiyun Mountain Camping Base. Camping can be fun. But to enjoy the camping, you should follow the camping rules: Don't swim in the river. Don't make noises at night. Take away rubbish after camping.

    1. (1) Allen likes to        with his brother on camping days.
      A . enjoy pretty flowers B . watch stars C . play outdoor games
    2. (2) After camping, there are        everywhere in Tom's village.
      A . plastic bags and bottles B . sleeping bags and bottles C . sleeping bags and food
    3. (3) To enjoy the camping, we should       .
      A . make noises at night B . take away rubbish after camping C . swim in the river
    4. (4) From the passage, we know       .
      A .   Ken likes camping because he loves the nature B .   People always take away rubbish after camping C .   Tom's village is clean now
    5. (5) The best title(标题)for this passage is       .
      A . Camping rules B . The food for camping C . Different(不同的)ideas about camping
  • 20. 请仔细阅读,选择正确的选项。

    Many of us queue(排队)for a long time to see a panda. But some people can see pandas every day. They are panda keepers.

    The panda keepers need to take care of the pandas. Every morning, they clean the pandas' places, check the poop(大便) and make notes. Then,they feed pandas with bamboo,fruits and vegetables. They carry 25 to 50 kg of bamboo every day.

    Sometimes pandas eat meat, but not every day. They like to eat rice cakes, too. They are good for their health. So, the panda keepers cook rice cakes for them every day. Pandas usually eat one rice cake in the morning and one in the afternoon. With the help of the keepers, pandas are healthy and strong.

    "It is a hard job but a happy one."Lin Wei, a panda keeper says, "Doing the same things every day may be not interesting, but our love of pandas makes the job worthwhile(值得的).

    1. (1) The keepers feed pandas        every day.
      A . bamboo and vegetables B . bamboo and meat C . rice cakes and meat
    2. (2) The underline word take care of here means        in Chinese.
      A . 照顾 B . 带走 C . 小心
    3. (3) The keepers     every day.

      ①feed pandas   ②clean the pandas' places   ③sleep with pandas   ④make notes

      A . ①②③ B . ①②④ C . ①③④
    4. (4) From the passage, we know that       .
      A . the panda keepers' jobs are very easy B . the keepers carry 25 to 50 kg of bamboo every day C . the pandas eat one rice cake every day
    5. (5) The best title(标题)for this passage is       .
      A . A hard but a happy job B . We love pandas C . Pandas at the zoo
  • 21. 请帮助Lisa完成season book。根据所给词,补全前3页,并仿写完成第4页。

    In my eyes, spring is pink. It's usually  and rainy. There are colourful flowers everywhere. I can plant trees. What a lovely season!



    warm and rainy

    plant trees

    In my eyes,summer is . It's hot and sunny. l can wear my T-shirt. I often

    with my friends. I can eat watermelons,too. What a happy season!



    hot and sunny

    go swimming

    In my eyes,  is golden. It's usually cool and windy. The farmers are busy. I can eat yummy fruits and fresh vegetables. I can . How nice!



    cool and windy

    pick apples

    In my eyes,  is white. It's . .

    How fun!





