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更新时间:2023-09-12 浏览次数:67 类型:期末考试
  • 17. 听短文,根据你听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。

    Sandy's Birthday Party


    Sandy is  years old.


    *Her uncle bought some.

    *Her parents gave her a .


    They listened to music,sang and ( 24) .

  • 18. 听问句,选择正确的答语前的序号。

    A. Yes, please.           B. The short one.           C. l feel better.

    D. They're Ben's.         E. I'll give her a card.        F. We make rice cakes.

  • 19. 听对话,判断下列句子的正误。
    1. (1) Tom went on a trip on May Day.
    2. (2) It was sunny in Beijing on May Day.
    3. (3) Tom went to Beijing with his grandparents by plane.
    4. (4) Tom took some photos in Beijing.
    5. (5) Tom ate some chicken in Beijing.
    6. (6) Tom was happy in Beijing.
  • 31. 根据描述,完成猜谜游戏。

    例: It's red and round(圆的). It's a kind of vegetable.

    1. (1) It's an animal. It has got along nose and two big ears.
    2. (2) It's around the house. People can grow flowers, grass and other plants there.
    3. (3) It's a kind of school things. We use it for writing.
    4. (4) It's an animal like a bear. It is black and white.
  • 43. 根据动物园演出时间表。选出正确的单词前的序号。

    A. football   B. say   C. ride     D. basketball    E. horse    F. dog

    The parrot will hello to us at two.

    The bird will play at three.

    It's three ten. The parrot is throwing(投) a.

    The bear isgoing to a bike at four.

    The  is going to skip rope at six.

    I's half past six now. The tiger is riding a.

  • 49. 请根据首字母提示完成下列通知。

    We'll leave our school s. We will say goodbye to our teachers. We'll have a party next F. We'll take some pictures. Then we can make a DVD for our c. We can make a year book, too. We can pour names, addresses, and phone numbers in the book. We can i our parents to the party. We will have a big d will be great fun. Please get ready for it.

  • 51. 任务型阅读。

    The students in Class One have different dream jobs. Each one has one dream job. Some students say they want to be doctors or singers. Some want to be teachers or worker. But Peter wants to be a dietitian. It is a new and interesting job. Dietitians can work in the hospital. They talk to the patients(病人). They want to know about their eating habits (习惯) and physical conditions(身体状况). Then they make a meal plan for them. He says he will be a nice dietitian because he likes to see people healthy.

    What's your dream job?


    A. farmer        B. teacher       C. scientist       D. dancer      E. dietitian

    1. (1) 文中画线词"dietitian"的意思是:
      A . 理发师 B . 驯兽师 C . 营养师
    2. (2) 文中画波浪线的句子It is a new and interesting job. 的中文意思是:
    3. (3) 模仿文中画横线的句子,写一写你想从事的职业以及理由:
    4. (4) How many students are there in Class One?
    5. (5) How many students want to be scientists?

