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外研版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 1 Unit 1 ...

更新时间:2023-09-13 浏览次数:21 类型:单元试卷
  • 9. 默写下列单词和短语。
    1. (1) 等待,等候
    2. (2) 地面
    3. (3) 在……上方
    4. (4) 冰激凌
    5. (5) 碰上(过去式)
    6. (6) 吃完
    7. (7) (宾格) 我们
    8. (8) 那些
  • 10. (2023四下·兴文期末)  问答匹配,请为下列句子找到正确的答语。                                 

    A. It's me.  

    B. No, I won't.  

    C. Yes, he was.

    D. I will read my books. 

    E. It's a book about London.

    1. (1) —Will you fly?  

    2. (2) —What's this?

    3. (3) —What will you do?  

    4. (4) —Who's that little girl?

    5. (5) —Was he strong then?

  • 11. (2023四下·淄川期末) Read and choose. 读对话,选择合适的选项补全对话。

    Danny: Hello, Mr Wood! 

    Mr Wood: Yes. I often climb the hills at the weekend. 

    Danny: I often go to the cinema. 

    Mr Wood: 

    Danny: Yes, she does. 

    Jenny: Look here.                               

    A. What do you do at the weekend?

    B. Sometimes I play computer games. 

    C. Do you often climb the hill?

    D. Her hobby is taking pictures. 

    E. Does Jenny often take pictures?

  • 12. 连词成句

    1. (1) the,yesterday,did,Amy,to,go,park(?)

    2. (2) by,home,bus,I,went,yesterday (.)

    3. (3) you,do,city,live,in,this (?)

    4. (4) are,we,home,now,going (.)

  • 13. 阅读短文,判断正(正确)误(错误)

        Bill got up at 7:00. He brushed his teeth, then he had breakfast at 7:20. He walked to school at 7:40. His friends and he played a game after school. He didn't win, but he was also very happy. He went back at 5:30. It was time for dinner.

    1. (1) Bill didn't brush his teeth.

    2. (2) Bill had breakfast at 7:40.

    3. (3) Bill went to school on foot.

    4. (4) Bill won the game, so he was very happy.

    5. (5) Bill went back after dinner.

