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更新时间:2023-12-22 浏览次数:27 类型:期末考试
一、Read and write.读读写写
  • 1. Read and write.读读写写。
    l read some riddles with my classmates on the bus to the zoo.
    1. (1) It's a season. The weather is very hot. Children like to eat ice cream at this time of the year.
    2. (2) It's the first month of the year. New Year 's Day is in this month. Winter vacation begins in this month too.
    3. (3) It's the ninth month of the year. People often cat moon cakes in this month.
    4. (4) It's the month between October and December. American Thanksgiving Day is in this month.
    5. (5) It's a meal in the morning. People usually have some bread, milk, eggs or noodles for it.
二、Look at the picture, read and write. 看图,读读写写。
  • 2. Look at the picture, read and write.看图,读读写写。

    We are at the zoo now.

    Today is April . l take a picture at the zoo. Look at the animals. They are so cute! l like the monkeys best. They trees. They look happy. There is a big elephant near the monkeys. It water with its trunk. It must be thirsty. Some kangaroos up and down behind the elephant. They are from Australia. There is a pond. You can see some . They in the clear water. I love these animals. School trips are fun!

三、Read, choose and write. 读一读,选择正确选项并写一写。
  • 3. Read, choose and write. 读一读,选择正确选项并写一写。

    L am at the gift shop of the zoo. John is there too.

    When's your grandpa's birthday?             Whose birthday is coming?

    What are you doing?                     What will you do for your mother?

         What do you often do on your grandpa's birthday?

    Sam: Hello, John.

    John: Hi, Sam. I am looking at the birthday cards.

    They're beautiful.

    Sam: Yes, they look nice.

    John: My mother's birthday is coming. It's on May 5th.


    John: I'll give her a card and make her some flowers. She loves flowers.

    Sam: That's a good idea. My grandpa's birthday is coming, too.

    John: Really?

    Sam: Tomorrow!

    John: Wow!

    Sam: We often have a party. We cat noodles and birthday cakes. I want to buy a gift for my grandpa.

    John: Let's have a look together.

    Sam: OK.

四、Read and choose A B or C. 读一读,选一选
  • 4. Read and choose A B or C. 读一读,选一选。

    Miss Lin finds a water bottle after the trip. I try to help.

    Miss Lin: Sam, look at this green water bottle. Is it 1 ?

    Sam: No, Miss Lin. This water bottle is not 2  . My water bottle is blue.

    Miss Lin: Whose water bottle is it?

    Sam: Amy has a green water bottle. Maybe it's  3 .

    Miss Lin: Where is Amy?

    Sam: I think she is 4 in the school library now. She often reads a book 55:00 p.m. l can go and ask her about this water bottle.

    Miss Lin: That's very kind of you, Sam. Thank you.

    A . you B . your C . yours
    A . his B . mine C . ours
    A . hers B . her C . theirs
    A . read B . reads C . reading
    A . in B . on C . at
五、 Read and choose.判断正误。
  • 5. Read and choose。判断正误。

    l am happy today. l read a magazine(杂志)before l go to bed.

    My favourite festival is Christmas. It is a very big festival in the UK.

    There are lots of things to do before Christmas. My family go to buy a Christmas tree and put it in the living room. We put gifts under our Christmas tree. We have a party on Christmas Day.

    l like Christmas best because l can spend(度过)happy time with my family. I like getting gifts, too!

    Kelly, the UK

    My favourite festival is Mid-Autumn Day. It is in autumn, of course! The weather is nice and cool on Mid-Autumn Day.

    l often go to the lantern(灯笼) shows in the park with my family. We can see big and colourful lanterns there. Some lanterns are very cute. I like looking at the big, round moon at night. We also eat moon cakes and fruit. They are yummy. I love them!

    Zhang Min, Guangdong

    1. (1) In the UK, people buy Christmas trees on Christmas Day.
    2. (2) Kelly likes Christmas gifts.
    3. (3) There are lantern shows on Mid-Autumn Day in Guangdong.
    4. (4) Zhang Min likes Mid-Autumn Day because she can play games.
    5. (5) Kelly and Zhang Min are happy at their favourite festivals.
六、Read and write. 读读写写。
  • 6. Read and write. 读读写写。

    Do you like school trips too? Please tell me something about you.

    1. (1) Which fun activity(活动)do you like best at your school?
    2. (2) Where do you usually go for a school trip?
    3. (3) When do you do morning exercises at school?
    4. (4) What do you often do on the weekend?
    5. (5) When is your birthday?
  • 7. Writing.写作运用

    We have fun things all the year round. They are in different seasons. Which season do you like best? Why? 请以My Favourite Season为题,写一篇不少于6句话的短文。

