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更新时间:2023-12-23 浏览次数:34 类型:期中考试
  • 6.  听较长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What day is it today?
      A . Friday. B . Saturday. C . Sunday.
    2. (2) What's Tom's telephone number?
      A . 359 421 B . 359 412 C . 412 359
  • 7.  听较长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) How many classroom buildings are there in Tina's new school?
      A . 3. B . 30. C . 39.
    2. (2) Where is the library?
      A . Next to the classroom buildings. B . On the right of the dining hall. C . In the middle of the school.
    3. (3) What's Tina's favourite color?
      A . Blue. B . Brown. C . Green.
  • 8.  听独白,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。

    Li Ming

    English name: 1

    Nationality: Chinese

    Parents' job: 2

    3 : Jack and Lily

    Jack and Lily

    Nationality: Americans

    Family name: 4

    They often 5  together.

    A .  Max B .  Mike C .  Martin
    A .  Teachers B .  Doctors C .  Managers
    A .  Cousins B .  Classmates C .  Friends
    A .  Smith B .  Thomas C .  Jones
    A .  play basketball B .  go swimming C .  play football
  • 9.  阅读下面的短文,请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Dan is my cousin, he is a smart boy. 1  aunt has a hotel in a big city. This year he works as a doorman* of the hotel in summer holiday. The hotel is 2 . It is just* open for two weeks. 

    It is Thursday. This is his first week at work. He likes his job, 3 he doesn't like one thing. Every day many people ask him, "Do you have a watch? What's the time, please?" He is not happy about 4 .

    Dan says to himself, "I don't want to answer* those people again and again. I'm going to buy a big 5 . And I can put it up 6 the wall here tomorrow."

    Then the people can see a clock on the wall on 7 . And Dan thinks, "Now people 8 see the clock and they can't stop and ask me about the time again." He is 9 now.

    But after that, a lot of people still* stop, 10 the clock and then ask Dan, "Is this clock right?" Dan doesn't know how to answer the question.

    A .  My B .  Your C .  His D .  Her
    A .  big B .  small C .  old D .  new
    A .  and B .  then C .  so D .  but 
    A .  the B .  this C .  they D .  these
    A .  watch B .  clock C .  desk D .  chair
    A .  on B .  in C .  under D .  behind
    A .  Thursday B .  Friday C .  Saturday D .  Sunday
    A .  must B . mustn't C .  can D . can't
    A .  sorry B .  nice C .  happy D .  same
    A .  look at B .  come from C .  listen to D .  put up
五、阅读理解 (本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
  • 10.  阅读下面的短文,请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Welcome to Sunshine Middle School! Here is a map of the school for parents. You can get it at the gate of the school.

    Opening days* for parents:

    9:00 am-11:00 am, Wednesday     14:00 pm-16:00 pm, Thursday 


    ●Building One is for Chinese students and Building Two is for students from England and America.

    ●There is a big library in front of Building One. Students and teachers can read books here in free* time. 

    ●In the middle of the school is our science building. There are seven science labs. But four of them are only open in science class.

    1. (1) Parents can get the map of Sunshine Middle School at the____.
      A . School Gate B . Library C . Office Building D . Science Building
    2. (2) Parents can go to school at ____.
      A . 9:30 am on Monday B . 8:50 pm on Thursday C . 10:00 am on Wednesday D . 16:00 pm on Friday
    3. (3) The ① building is a ____, and the    ②    building is a ____.
      A . library, dining hall B . dining hall, library C . library, science building D . science building, library
    4. (4) There are____science labs in the science building.
      A . four B . five C . six D . seven
    5. (5) Which is True?
      A . There are only Chinese students in the school. B . There are five buildings in Sunshine Middle School. C . The Building Two is between the dining hall and the office building.  D . The map of Sunshine Middle School is for teachers.
  • 11.  阅读理解

    In English, the given names come first and the family names come last. Family names are also called last names. Westerners* get their family names in different ways.

    Some family names such as Smith, Cook and Taylor are about a job. For example, John Smith, here "Smith" means the name of a job. "Cook" means he or she is a cook. Their family names also come from their living places such as Bush, Cliff and Lake. The name "Jack London" means the man is from the city London.

    Some family names are from colors. For example, the family names Black and White. Larry Brown —a famous basketball player in America also gets his family name from colors. Other family names are from the name of a parent. For example, "David's son" becomes Davidson, and "Peter's son" becomes Peterson.

    What does your last name mean? Let's find more on the Internet.

    1. (1) What is the family name "Smith" about in the passage?
      A . a job B . a color C . a name of a place D . a name of a parent
    2. (2) In this passage, Jack London comes from____.
      A . New York B . Sydney C . Paris D . London
    3. (3) In this passage, the name "Jackson" means Jack and Jackson are____.
      A . mother and son B . father and son C . brother and sister D . father and uncle
    4. (4) How many ways of family names do westerners get in the passage?
      A . Two B . Three C . Four D . Five
    5. (5) What is the passage about?
      A . Parents' jobs. B . Family names. C . Beautiful colors. D . Good friends.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    Mrs Brown is 75 years old. She has three sons, but they don't come to see Mrs Brown very often. 

    The sons build a big house for Mrs Brown. But she isn't happy. She always feels lonely.

    There is a school next to Mrs Brown's house. Children know her because she has a big yard.

    Jack likes playing football with friends in the playground after school. One day, the ball falls into Mrs Brown's yard.

    "I'm sorry, Mrs Brown. Can you help me, please?" Jack says.

    "Of course. " Mrs Brown helps them and smiles, "My sons like playing football too."

    "Oh, we can play together."

    "Sorry. They work in big cities. Only I am here." Mrs Brown looks at the flowers in the yard and says again, "Only I am here."

    "Well. Can we play football in your yard after school? And we can help you water the flowers. They are beautiful and nice!" Jack says.

    Mrs Brown smiles again and says, "That's great, my boys! Welcome!"

    1. (1) Mrs Brown has ____.
      A . one son B . three sons C . one daughter D . three daughters
    2. (2) Mrs Brown's sons build ____ for her.
      A . a house B . a farm C . a hotel D . a school
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "lonely" mean?
      A . 贫穷的 B . 抱歉的 C . 孤独的 D . 满意的
    4. (4) From the passage, we know that ____.
      A . Mrs Brown lives with her sons B . Mrs Brown's house is next to the school C . Mrs Brown is happy to have a big house D . Mrs Brown's son can play football with Jack
    5. (5) What will Jack and his friends do for Mrs Brown?
  • 13.  从(B)栏中找出与(A)栏各句相对应的答语(选项中有一项多余)。


    What day is it today? 

    Are these your parents? 

    How do you spell "desk"?

    What's your favourite colour?

    Let's play football after school.



    A. D-E-S-K, desk.

    B. OK. Good idea!

    C. Yes, D--E-S-K, desk.

    D. It's Monday.

    E. Yes, they are.

    F. My favourite colour is white.

  • 19.  用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空。每词限用一次。

    orange England woman be photo

    1. (1) Who are those  in the picture, Jim?
    2. (2) There  some furniture in the small room.
    3. (3) There are many  on the wall. They are nice.
    4. (4) My favorite color is .
    5. (5) Tony is . He is from London. 
  • 20.  根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。每空一词。

    There are (四十) students in my class. Daming is my favorite (朋友). His father is a (警察) and his mother is a doctor. Jack is in my class, too. He is an (美国的) boy. He comes from the (首都) of the US. His father is an (演员). He likes doing many (运动) and his favorite color is (黄色). Daming and Jack often play football on (星期二) afternoon. They are very good boys. We (每个,全体) like them. 

  • 21.  语法填空

    Hello, everyone! I'm Frank. This is a photo my class. There are thirty (student) in my class. The woman in the middle is (we) head teacher. The girl on left is Lingling. She often tells me interesting (China) stories. is the boy behind Lingling? He's Daming. He can play football (good). He also likes (run) on the playground. My teachers and classmates (be) friendly. With (they) help, I have a good time at school.

  • 22.  假如你是温州某中学英语俱乐部的新成员Chen Hui,请根据下图提示,用英语向其他成员介绍自己。

    要求:1. 涵盖所有要点,内容需适当发挥。
    2. 文中不得出现真实的人名,校名以及其它真实的个人信息。
    3. 字数约70词,开头已给出,不计入总字数。

    Hello, everyone. My name is Chen Hui.

