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牛津上海版(深圳用)五年级下册Module 1 Change...

更新时间:2024-03-04 浏览次数:39 类型:同步测试
  • 6. 选择合适的答句。

    What's your favourite season, Jack?       A. Four.

    What's the weather like in summer?       B. Because I can fly kites.

    Which season does Sarah like best?        C. Its usually sunny and hot.

    Why do you like spring?                           D. Fall is my favourite.

    How many seasons are there in a year?   E. She likes winter.

  • 7. 补全对话

    A. I will be a nurse.

    B. I will live in Beijing.

    C. I will wear beautiful dresses.

    D. Because I want to help people.

    E. I will be a singer.

    Sally: Hi, Mary! What will you be in the future?


    Sally: Why do you want to be a nurse?

    Mary: How about you?


    Mary: A singer?

    Sally: Yes.

    Mary: Which city will you live in?


    Mary: Your dream(梦想)will come true(实现).

    Sally: I hope so.

  • 8. 阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。

    Ben is a lazy boy. He is eight years old. He likes playing computer games. He doesn't like doing homework at all. It's ten o'clock in the evening now. Ben isn't doing his homework. He is watching TV. His room is dirty. Look at his desk. What a mess! There are so many books, pencils and newspapers on it. Where is his schoolbag? Look, his schoolbag is under his bed. It's full of toys.

    1. (1) What does Ben like?
    2. (2) What time is it now?
    3. (3) What is Ben doing?
    4. (4) Where are his books?
    5. (5) What's in his schoolbag?
  • 9. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。

    Mr. Brown's family is on a trip. Now they are waiting for their baggage(行李) at the airport. They find Sally's bag first. It's small. It's pink. Then Mrs. Brown finds Peter and Paul's bag. It's not small. It's blue. Peter and Paul put their clothes and some favourite toys in it. So it's a little heavy. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have a big suitcase(行李箱). They bring some clothes, a few books and some food. All of these are in the big suitcase. It's heavy. It's grey. Oh, it's over there.

    1. (1) The pink bag is Sally's.
    2. (2) Peter and Paul's bag is a little heavy.
    3. (3) There are some toys in the purple bag.
    4. (4) Mr. and Mrs. Brown put their shoes in the big suitcase.
    5. (5) Mr. and Mrs. Brown like reading.
  • 10. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。


    In the future

    My name is Ann and I wear glasses.

    I am short and fat. I don't like to get up early.

    I am good at Maths, but I'm weak in English.

    I like eating fast food.

    I don't like playing sports.

    I am a student.

    I won't wear glasses.

    I will be taller and thinner.

    I will study hard. I will be good at English.

    I will never eat fast food.

    I will get up early and play sports every day.

    I will be a singer.

    1. (1) Ann wears ________ now.
      A . glasses B . dresses C . socks
    2. (2) In the future, Ann________.
      A . will be good at English B . will get up late C . will eat fast food
    3. (3) Ann will be a ________in the future.
      A . cook B . teacher C . singer
    4. (4) Now Ann is________.
      A . weak in Maths B . weak in English C . weak in Chinese
    5. (5) Ann likes eating fast food ________.
      A . now B . yesterday C . in the future
  • 11. 完形填空。

    It's Saturday morning.1father, a very fat man,takes Ben to the zoo. Of course Ben is very glad. There are a lot of interesting and lovely 2 there. They go here and there. Ben 3 his dad many questions about animals. "4can a bird fly?""5 does a bear eat?" "Why can geese walk and swim? Why do they live on the ground and in the 6_?"

    They come to see tigers. Ben gives some bread to 7, but they don't eat it. "Why 8 they eat bread?" "They only eat meat. They don't like 9 bread at all," his father says. "Really? Wow!" Ben 10his father's hand and runs. "Let's go, go, go quickly! I can't go home by myself after they eat you. "Ben's father smiles and says," I have a good son. Thank you, my son!"

    A . Ben B . Bens' C . Ben's
    A . animals B . flowers C . plants
    A . ask B . says C . asks
    A . What B . Why C . Who
    A . What B . Why C . Who
    A . snow B . tree C . water
    A . they B . them C . their
    A . do B . does C . don't
    A . eating B . eats C . eat
    A . catching B . catches C . catch

