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更新时间:2024-07-08 浏览次数:2 类型:期末考试
一、Read and choose. 根据图片和句子,选择相应内容的序号完成句子。
  • 1. Read and choose. 根据图片和句子,选择相应内容的序号完成句子。

    We have some great classes at school.

    A. teacher  B. library     C. green beans   D. next to

    E. clothes   F. second    G. storybooks     H. farmers

    1. (1)

      We have a story class in the. It's on the floor.

      We write stories and make . It's fun.

    2. (2)

      Mr Shirt is our . His classroom is  the computer room. 

      In his class, we make some .

    3. (3)

      It's 3 o'clock. It's time to go to the school farm. We are little


      Let me water the . Look, they have flowers.

二、Look, read and number. 根据图片内容和表达需要,将每组句子进行合理排序。
  • 2. 【反馈:排序题,未完全编辑】
    Look, read and number. 根据图片内容和表达需要,将每组句子进行合理排序。

    We have shows after class.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
三、Read and finish.学校将举办一场劳动成果的义卖活动。
  • 3. Read and finish.学校将举办一场劳动成果的义卖活动。

    Part A Read and tick or cross.
    There will be a fair(义卖) at school.
    It's 2:00. It's time for the fair.
    The fair will be on the playground.
    There are four shops.
    Go to Shop 2, try some yum food. 
    You can read books in Shop 3.
    Children are helpful.

    Part B Read and choose.根据所给信息,将对话发生所在商店的数字序号填在横线上。
    Many children are at the fair.
     They are in Shop .
     They are in Shop .
     They are in Shop .
     They are in Shop .

    Part C Read and choose.义卖中有同学遗失了物品,请帮老师确认信息,选项填入括号内。

    Is Amy's cap brown?()                                   
    A.Yes, she is.    B.Yes, it is.    C.No, it isn't.
    What colour are Zhang Peng's sunglasses?(
    A.It's red.    B.They're red.    C.Yes, they do.
    Whose bag is blue?()                                     
    A.John has a bag.   B.It's John's.    C.He's John.
四、Read and choose.
  • 4. Read and choose.
    1. (1) Part A: Read and choose. 从框中选择合适的句子完成对话,并将序号填在横线上。



      A. What are these?
      B. How much are they?
      C. Where is it?
      D. Do you have a food shop?
      E. Are those potatoes, too?

      Chen Jie is talking with Mark on the computer. (C: Chen Jie, M: Mark)
      C: Hi, Mark. Today there is a fair at our school.
      M: A fair? 
      C: It's on the playground.
      C: Yes, we do. Look at these potatoes.
      M: Aha, they look like eggs. 
      C: They are five yuan.
      M: Really?! 
      C: They're carrots.They're short and small.
      M: And very cute. 
      C: No, they are real eggs.
      M: Silly me! The food at your fair are nice and cheap.
      C: Yes, they are all from our school farm.
      M: Wow! You're helpful farmers.

    2. (2) Part B: Read and find. 从上述内容中,找出与下列划线字母发音一样的单词。
      nine   wall:    horse:    horse: 
五、Read and finish. 同学们打算用义卖所得举办一场迎“六一”派对。
  • 5. After the fair, children have 97 yuan.They want to have party.

    Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. There is a party at 3 o'clock in the garden. Children are busy for the party.

    1. (1) 阅读短文,在小框中勾出需要购买的物品,把付款金额填在横线上。
    2. (2) What's the weather like tomorrow? It'll be sunny and .
    3. (3) —Where are the children?
      —They are .
    4. (4) Whose gloves are these?
    5. (5) Is this John's scarf?

