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新目标英语2017-2018学年八年级上册Unit 1同步评...

更新时间:2018-02-27 浏览次数:557 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 听长对话,选择最佳答案
    1. (1) When did Tom come back from Beijing?
      A . Last Friday. B . This Friday. C . This Saturday.
    2. (2) where are Tom's photos?
      A . In his schoolbag. B . In his desk. C . On his sofa.
    3. (3) Who did Tom go to Beijing with?
      A . His uncle. B . His parents. C . His friends.
    4. (4) What places did Tom visit?
      A . The Great Wall and the Palace Museum. B . The Summer Palace and the Palace "Museum. C . The Great Wall and the Summer Palace.
    5. (5) What gift did Tom buy for Lucy?
      A . A CD. B . Some pictures. C . A book.
  • 12. 听短文,完成表格,每空不超过三个单词

    Peter's summer vacation


    Peter, a(n)middle school student

    What he loves

    Where he went

    To Beijing and Xi'an


    From to July 31st

    What he did

    Took walks around the cities

    Took photos

    How he felt about the trip


  • 28. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        Last summer, I went to Yunnan on vacation with my family. We1four days there.

        Our first stop was Lugu Lake. I wondered why there was so beautiful a lake in the world. I enjoyed 2 there. We went boating and took quite a few photos. Then we went up to a hill. On the top of the 3 we got to see something beautiful. I felt like I was in a painting. I thought I would 4 forget the beautiful scenery (风景) there.

        The next morning we went to Lijiang by bus. It was a long 5 from Lugu Lake to Lijiang. In the afternoon we 6 After a short break (休息), we went to walk around the town and bought Some gifts. Then we decided to try the famous (著名的) Guoqiao Rice Noodles for dinner. They were very 7 and delicious. After dinner we took a walk and enjoyed the old streets and buildings 8 the moon. The summer evening was cool.

        Our 9 stop was the "spring city" Kunming. We visited Dianchi, watched the birds and went to the flower market. We had a really wonderful day.

        The four-day trip came to a(n) 10 soon. We had to go home. Everything in Yunnan was great. It is a very beautiful and interesting place. I'm sure you'll never regret (懊悔) going on a trip there.

    A . found B . paid C . took D . spent
    A . Staying B . climbing C . skating D . waiting
    A . photo B . hill C . lake D . painting
    A . always B . sometimes C . often D . never
    A . trip B . walk C . jump D . history
    A . got B . went C . arrived D . moved
    A . lucky B . natural C . same D . special
    A . with B . under C . by D . in
    A . first B . second C . third D . fourth
    A . place B . end C . thing D . time
  • 29. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

    A:Hi.Tony! I heard you came back yesterday.

    B:I went to Xi'an.Did you go anywhere?


    B:Wow! Bali has many beautiful beaches.

    A:Yes.You're right.


    A:I took some diving classes. but it was really difficult for me.So I only swam.

    B: Did you take any pictures there?

    A:  I'll show them to you tomorrow.

    B: By the way, do you have any plans (计划) for the weekend?

    A: I want to go skating.

    B: Yes, I'd love to.

    A. Yes, I did.

    B. What did you see in the zoo?

    C. I went to Bali with my friends.

    D. Would you like to go with me?

    E. Where did you go for your vacation?

    F. Sorry, I don't know.

    G. Did you go diving (~) there?

  • 30. 阅读理解

        What about my plans for the summer vacation? First, I will go to Shanghai with my sister Kate. There are many interesting places in Shanghai, and we can also taste the delicious food there. After that, I will spend some time reading books. I will play tennis with my friends, too.—— Peter

        I made some plans for my summer vacation. First, I will help more at home. My parents are always busy, so I'll help them with the housework and let them have more time to relax. Second, I will practice the violin every day. Third, I think the vacation is a good time for me to do some sports, such as running and swimming. I am sure my summer vacation will be wonderful.——Tom

        After about four months' study, the summer vacation is coming. Here are my plans. First, I will leave enough time for my new lessons. I will also read some great books. Second, I will go to Xi'an and stay there for two weeks. I think the trip will be wonderful. Then, I will come back and enjoy myself with my friends. We will go swimming, shopping, etc.——Amy

    1. (1) Peter plans to go to Shanghai with his ________.
      A . brother B . sister C . parents D . grandparents
    2. (2) How many plans did Tom make for his summer vacation?
      A . Five. B . Four. C . Three. D . Two.
    3. (3) Amy will stay in Xi'an for        .
      A . one week B . two weeks C . one month D . two months
    4. (4) Who will swim in the summer vacation?
      A . Tom and Amy. B . Kate and Peter. C . Peter and Tom. D . Kate and Amy.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?
      A . Peter's parents are always busy. B . Tom likes to play tennis with his friends. C . Amy plans to do some reading in the summer vacation. D . Peter's parents want him to learn new lessons in the summer vacation.
  • 31. 根据材料内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。

        Do you like sports? Are you getting enough exercise? Well, if you want an easy way to exercise, try walking.

        There are no special instructions (操作指南), and there are no rules. You just walk— left, right, left, right. See. It's easy.

        You don't need to Spend money on expensive clothes and equipment (器材). All you need is a pair of good shoes.

        You can go with a friend. Walk and talk. You can also do something you enjoy by yourself. Listen to music, think about life ,relax and so on.

        It makes you feel good, sleep better and helps to manage your weight (管理你的体重). It's an easy way to get the exercise you need to stay healthy.

         It's raining? Take an umbrella. When it's sunny, use sunglasses. If it's hot, take some water with you. It's cold? Don't worry. Walking can make you feel warm. And walking in the snow is of great fun!

        Do you want to walk? Don't wait! Just do it!

    A. Walking is good in all kinds of weather.

    B. Walking is cheap.

    C. Walking is good for your health.

    D. Walking is easy.

    E. Walking is fun.

  • 47. 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。

    easy, think, family, I, try, class, same, know, worry, how

        I lived a quiet life with my mom, dad and two sisters But one day my dad told me something and my life started to be different -- We would move to a new town. I  for months about starting a new school.

        On the first day of school, I walked into my new classroom and  very hard not to look scared. But it wasn't  when twenty-eight students looked at me. They all looked so cool. Mr. Bernstein introduced (把……介绍给) me to the  and asked me to sit in the back of the room, next to another .girl. Her name was Janet. "What is she like? Does she like sitting with me?" I

        After class, it was lunchtime. I walked to the dining hall with Janet. We sat at the  table. We ate and asked each other questions. Sisters? We both (两个都) had two, and we were both the youngest (最年轻的) in the  Home? We lived quite near. It was only fifteen minutes' walk from her home to . We had more smiles (微笑) on our faces when we got to  more about each other.

        At the end of the day, my morn asked me  it was going at school. "I can't wait for the second day to come," I said. I knew it would be a good year for me.

  • 48. 假如你是王丹,今天你和家人去春游了。请你根据以下提示,给你的英国朋友汤姆(Tom)发一封电子邮件,向他介绍一下你今天的经历。


    Where did you go?

    What did you do?

    How did you feel about the trip?


        Dear Tom,



    Wang Dan

  • 49. 阅读理解

        I'm Ben. Today was not a good day. First, I slept late and Morn shouted at me to wake me up.  When I went to the kitchen for breakfast, I found there was no hamburger. So I decided to have some bread, but I burned (烤糊) it. I had to eat it because there was no more bread. There was no juice, either. I just had a cup of water.

        When I was at the bus stop, I found that I forgot my wallet (钱包), so I had to go back home to get it. Of course, I missed my bus and had to wait for a long time.

        I was late for school. When I got to school, the first Class was over. I missed a math test. The teacher said there would be a test just for me after school two days later. Oh, it's Friday! I can't visit my grandma then

        After lunch, it was time to give the teacher my homework. I reached into my bag to get it but it wasn't there. I left it at home……

        After school, my father drove me home. When I got home, I went straight to my room to do my homework. Mom cooked fish for dinner. She knows I don't like fish, but she thinks it is good for me. What a bad day! I hope tomorrow Will be nice.

    1. (1) What did Ben have for breakfast?
      A . A hamburger and a cup of water. B . A hamburger and a cup of juice. C . Some bread and a cup of water. D . Some bread and a cup of juice.
    2. (2) Ben went back home in the morning to get his ______.
      A . school uniform B . lunch bag C . homework D . wallet
    3. (3) What did Ben plan to do after school this Friday?
      A . To visit his grandma. B . To do his homework. C . To cook for his mom. D . To study for a math test.
    4. (4) How did Ben go home after school?
      A . By bus. B . By car. C . By bike. D . By subway.
    5. (5) What's the best title of the passage?
      A . My favorite food B . My school life C . A terrible day D . A math test

