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更新时间:2018-03-23 浏览次数:275 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 选词填空。

    have   PE class   for   music class   time    lunch

    1. (1) It's time for  . Let's jump and run.
    2. (2) What is it? .
    3. (3) It's 12:00. It's time for  .
    4. (4) — What do you for lunch? 

      — Some beef.

    5. (5) — Do you like ?

      — Yes, I do. I can sing and dance.

  • 2. 选择适当单词填空。

    to      at       for

    1. (1) It's time breakfast.
    2. (2) It's time get up.
    3. (3) I want eat an apple.
    4. (4) Look the TV.
    5. (5) It's 7:50. Don't be late school.
  • 8. 短文阅读。

        Hello, my name is Zhang Peng. I get up at six forty. I have breakfast at 7:10. And then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I have lunch at school. I go home at four fifty. I have dinner at six thirty.  After that I do my homework ,then I go to bed at nine thirty.

    1. (1) I get up at ___________.      
      A . 6:40 B . 6:30
    2. (2) I have____________ at 7:10.
      A .    lunch B . breakfast
    3. (3) I have __________classes all day.(一整天)
      A .    four B . six
    4. (4) I have lunch_________.
      A .    at school B . at home
    5. (5) I go to bed at ________ .
      A .    seven  o'clock B . nine thirty
  • 9. 阅读短文,选择答案。

        Hello! I'm Petty. This is my day. It's six forty. It's time to get up. It's seven o'clock. It's time to go to school. It's eleven thirty. It's time for lunch. It's four twenty. It's time to go home. It's eight thirty. It's time to go to bed.

    A.    B. C. D.   E.

  • 10. 阅读文章,完成选择和填空。

    It's time for breakfast. Let's drink some milk.

    It's time for lunch. Let's have some chicken.

    It's time for dinner. Let's eat some rice.

    It's time for PE class. Let's jump and run.

    It's time for English class. Let's read and write.

    It's time for music class. Let's sing and dance.

    1. (1) How many meals are there in a day?
      A . One B . Two C . Three
    2. (2) What do we have in the morning?
      A . Milk B . Chicken C . Rice
    3. (3) What time can we eat rice?
      A . Breakfast time B .   Lunch time C . Dinner time
    4. (4) What class can we sing and dance?
      A . math class B . music class C . art class
    5. (5) What can we do in English class?
      A . jump B . read C . draw pictures
    6. (6) In English class, we learn to and write.
    7. (7) We can and in music class.
    8. (8) We can jump and run in .

