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更新时间:2018-04-12 浏览次数:293 类型:单元试卷
  • 23. 选出正确的答语。
    A、It's on the chair .          B、Here you are .
    C、Yes , I do .                    D、My name is Amy .
    E、I'm fine , thank you .    F、It's white .
    G、Thank you .                 H、Happy New Year !
    I、It's a cat .                      J、It's four o'clock .

    ⑴What colour is it ?           

    ⑵Happy New Year !          

    ⑶Where is the pen ?          

    ⑷How are you ?              

    ⑸Do you like dogs ?         

    ⑹What's your name ?        

    ⑺Pass me the pencil , please . 

    ⑻What's the time , please ?   

    ⑼What's this ?               

    ⑽Happy birthday !           

  • 34. 阅读判断。

        ZhangLei is my friend . He is a student . He is eleven .He lives in Shanghai . I often send postcards to him , and write an e-mail on a computer to him every week . I bought a present for him yesterday . It's a book about computer . I send it to him today . I think he can like it .

    1. (1) ZhangLei is my friend .
    2. (2) ZhangLei is twelve .
    3. (3) I write an e-mail on a computer to him every day .
    4. (4) I bought a book for ZhangLei yesterday .
    5. (5) I think ZhangLei can like this book .

