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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册Unit 7...

更新时间:2019-05-09 浏览次数:308 类型:同步测试
一、 根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。
  • 1. 根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。
    1. (1) The blue bag is seven d.
    2. (2) - How m is the book.

      - Five yuan.

    3. (3) My hat is big and your hat is s.
    4. (4) How much are these s(鞋).
    5. (5) The T-shirt is l(长的).
二、  单选。
三、  连词成句。
  • 7. 连词成句。
    1. (1) is, this, much, how, hat (?)
    2. (2) the, sweater, red, much, is, how (?)
    3. (3) is, it, dollars, 7 (.)
    4. (4) pants, these, how, are, much, black (?)
    5. (5) these, dollars, are, 6, shorts, blue (.)
四、  补全对话。
  • 8. 补全对话。

    A: Can I  you?

    B: Yes, . I want to  a T-shirt

    A: We  T-shirt www.dearedu.comin all colors What  do you like best?

    B: Blue.

    A: How about this one?

    B: Let me see. Oh, it's too .

    A: This one is smaller.

    B: Maybe it's OK. How is it?

    A: Thirty dollars.

    B: Thirty dollars? That's too dear. Do you have a cheaper one?

    A: Yes. This one is  ten dollars.

    B: Oh, it's nice. I'll it. is the money. Thanks a lot.

    A: You're welcome.

  • 9. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。
    1. (1) The girl  (看起来) nice.
    2. (2) Do you know these  (女子)?
    3. (3) My brother  (需要) his pen and notebook now.
    4. (4) Will you  (买下) this radio,Ms. Brown?
    5. (5) This  (一对) of earrings(耳环) is my aunt's.
  • 15. 根据中文完成下列句子。
    1. (1) 我需要一件上学穿的T恤。

      I a T-shirt school.

    2. (2) 这双袜子是你的吗?

      Is this socks yours?

    3. (3) 这本书是你的。给你。

      The book is yours. Here you .  

    4. (4) 这些杯子三元一个,五元两个。

      These cups are three yuan and five yuan .  

    5. (5) 我要买下这两个汉堡包。

      I'll these hamburgers.

  • 26. 根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

        My aunt works in a small shop. It's near our 1. Every day students come to 2 things.

        In the 3, she gets up (起床) at six, and then has breakfast. She gets to (到达) the 4 at about six forty. The shop opens at seven. She sells things 5 food and drink. She sells some school things, 6. So there 7 often many people in her shop 8 morning to evening.

        At noon, she is very busy. So she has 9 in the shop. After school, the shop is closed. She goes home 10 supper.

    A . farm  B . factory  C . school  D . river
    A . buy B . sell C . take D . want
    A . evening B . afternoon C . noon D . morning
    A . classroom B . school C . shop D . club
    A . with B . like C . for D . about
    A . too B . also C . and D . but
    A . are B . have C . see D . come
    A . in B . on C . at D . from
    A . supper B . breakfast C . tea D . lunch
    A . to B . for C . with D . at
  • 27. 从方框内选择适当的词组填空。

    how much, have a look at, on sale, for boys, sells…… to……

    1. (1) Can I your photo?
    2. (2) Miss Miller, the clerk, a watch Linda.
    3. (3) Are these white shorts for 12 yuan?
    4. (4) , we have sports shoes for only 3 yuan.
    5. (5) — is your black pen?

      — It's 2 dollars.

  • 34. 按要求完成下列句子。
    1. (1) 那些黑色的鞋18美元。(翻译句子)

      Those $18.

    2. (2) 二十八加二十七是五十五。(翻译句子)

      and is .  

    3. (3) 我弟弟有十三支钢笔。(翻译句子)

      My brother pens.

    4. (4) dollars, sweater, my, is, green, twelve(.)(连词成句)
    5. (5) T-shirt, the, much, is, yellow, how(?)(连词成句)

