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(新版)人教新目标版七年级英语上册Unit7 How muc...

更新时间:2017-02-23 浏览次数:166 类型:单元试卷
一、 单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
二、 完形填空。
  • 11. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        Many people like to shop online (网上购物) now. Why? Sometimes we 1 have much time to go to stores. If we want to shop online, we only need a 2 and the Internet. If we shop online, we can go to many stores in a 3 time, and we can 4 things from all over the world.

        5 can we find the right online stores? Let me 6 you. First, go to an online store with a good reputation (名誉). Second, 7 other shoppers' reviews (评论). From these, we can know about the 8 and the things we want to buy. Third, we can 9 our friends about some good online stores. 10 can help us.

    Do you like to shop online?

    A . do B . don't C . does D .  doesn't
    A . radio B . TV C . computer D . player
    A . big B . small C . long D . short
    A . buy B . lose C . play D . eat
    A . What B . Who C . Where D . How
    A . thank B . watch C . help D . say
    A . look B . look at C . meet D . meet at
    A . store B . school C . room D . family
    A . find B . ask C . call D . e-mail
    A . She  B . He  C . They D . It
  • 12. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    Wanda Clothes Store





    Yellow, blue, black



    Black, blue, white, yellow



    White, black



    Red, white, green



    Blue, green, yellow


    1. (1) Which is the cheapest (最便宜的)?

      A . B .     C . D .  
    2. (2) Two hats and a pair of socks www.dearedu.comare _______ yuan.

      A . thirteen B . fourteen C . seventeen D . twenty-one
    3. (3) You can buy _______ in Wanda Clothes Store.

      A . blue socks B . red T-shirts C . green trousers D . yellow hats
    4. (4) If you like blue, and you have 7 yuanwww.dearedu.com, you can buy _______.

      A . a hat B . a T-shirt C . a sweater D . a pair of trousers
    5. (5) If you have 15 yuan, you can buy _______.

      A . a hat and a sweater B . a hat and a T-shirt C . a pair of trousers and a T-shirt D . a pair of trousers and a sweater
  • 13. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

        Tom is from the USA and he lives in Zhuhai now. He teaches English in a school from Monday to Friday. On weekends (在周末), he likes to see his friend Charlie.

        Charlie is from the UK and he lives in Shenzhen. On Saturday, Tom goes there to see www.dearedu.comhim with Mike and Ben. They go there on a bus. Charlie takes them to his home from the bus station (车站). They have a party at Charlie's home. On Sunday, they go to a big clothes store. Tom always buys some clothes there. At about 5:00 in the afternoon, they are hungry, so they have dinner in a restaurant. After dinner, Tom, Mike and Ben take a bus back to Zhuhai.

    1. (1) Tom _______.

      A . is in China now B . is in the USA now C . likes working on Saturday D . goes to work on Sunday
    2. (2) Tom goes to Shenzhen by _______.

      A . train B . bus C . car D . plane
    3. (3) 划线单词“them”指代的是“_______”。

      A . Mike and Ben B . Tom, Mike and Charlie C . Mike and Charlie D . Tom, Mike and Ben
    4. (4) 划线单词“hungry”的中文意思是“_______”。

      A . 渴的 B . 饿的 C . 生气的 D . 激动的
    5. (5) 下列哪项陈述是正确的?

      A . Tom is an English teacher.     B . Charlie is from the USA, too. C . Mike always buys some clothes in Shenzhen. D . Tom and Ben have dinner at Charlie's home on Sunday.
四、 补全对话。
  • 14. 根据对话内容,在空白处填入适当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。

    A: Can I help you?

    B: Yes, please. .

    A: Come and look at these T-shirts. They are for boys.

    B: This one is nice. ?

    A: 138 yuan.

    B: Oh, it's expensive (昂贵的).

    A: ? It's only 60 yuan.

    B: Good. Well, this one is too long for my son. ?

    A: Yes. Here is a short one.

    B: OK, thanks.

    A: .

五、 词汇运用。
  • 15. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。

    1. (1) I can't find my (短袜). Where are they?

    2. (2) These (鞋) are my father's.

    3. (3) My brother is (十三) this year.

    4. (4) Mrs. Lin (卖) fruits in a small store.

    5. (5) (所有的) my pencils are green.

七、 完成句子。
  • 21. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(数字用英语表达)。

    1. (1) 这条裙子非常漂亮。

      This is nice.

    2. (2) 这个男孩十二岁了。

      This is years old.

    3. (3) 这些蓝色毛衣三十美元两件。

      These blue sweaters are $30 .

    4. (4) 来莎莎服装店买衣服吧。

      and clothes at Shasha Clothes Store.

    5. (5) 我们卖的书包价格很优惠。

      We our schoolbags a very good price.

  • 22. 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。

    1. (1) You can come to our school this afternoon. (改为否定句)

      You to our school this afternoon.

    2. (2) John needs a new bag. (改为一般疑问句)

      John a new bag?

    3. (3) What is the price of these oranges? (改为同义句)

      are these oranges?

    4. (4) Jack has three black jackets. (改为同义句)

      Jack has three jackets .

    5. (5) These trousers are white and red. (对划线部分提问)

      are these trousers?

八、 书面表达。
  • 23. 假如你是明星服装店的导购员,下面是你们店里的商品及价格提示,请你运用所学词汇和句型,用英语介绍一下。

    提示:毛衣:¥38 帽子:¥8

    T恤衫:¥28 短裤:¥18



    Come and have a look at the clothes at Star Clothes Store. ……

  • 24. 根据材料内容完成下列任务。

        Mr. White is 80 years old. Every morning he takes a walk in the park, and he comes back home at 12:30 for lunch. But today, a car stopped in front of (在……前面) his house at 12:00 and two police officers (警官) took Mr. White home. They said that Mr. White was lost. Mr. White's daughter thanked the police officers. After they left (离开), she asked Mr. White, “Dad, you go to the park every day. Why were you lost today?” The old man laughed like a child and said, “I was not lost, but I didn't want to walk home.

    1. (1) Mr. White comes back home at _______ from the park every day.

      A . 11:00 B . 11:30 C . 12:00 D . 12:30
    2. (2) Mr. White's _______ thanked the police officers.

      A . son B . sister C . daughter D . brother
    3. (3) Mr. White came back home on foot today.

    4. (4) The police officers thought Mr. White was lost.

    5. (5) 将划线句子翻译成汉语。 I was not lost, but I didn't want to walk home

