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(新版)人教新目标版七年级英语上册Unit7 How muc...

更新时间:2017-02-23 浏览次数:373 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 单词拼写(单句首字母填空)。

    1. (1) Students n to study hard.

    2. (2) Our parents provide us with food and c and never ask for anything in return.

    3. (3) It's cold now. Please put on(穿上) your s, children.

    4. (4) My class has t students, ten girls and twenty boys.

    5. (5) There are t months(月) in a year.

  • 12. 单词拼写(单句首字母填空)。

    1. (1) The p of the computer is 5,000 yuan. I can't afford(买得起) it.

    2. (2) All the clothes are on s for only 15 dollars each.

    3. (3) It's hot today, but he still wears a shirt and t. I like a T-shirt and shorts better.

    4. (4) — How much are these socks?

      — They're nine d.

    5. (5) Seven and eight is f.

  • 13. 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。

    1. (1) My brother is  (十三) this year.

    2. (2) I want to buy  (十一) watermelons.

    3. (3) Look at his new  (裤子). They are very beautiful.

    4. (4) There are four  (双) of socks in the bag.

    5. (5) — Have you heard about the news?

      — Yes. The (价格) of petrol(汽油) went up last month!

  • 14. 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。

    1. (1) He is only eight, but he can wash his  (衣服) himself.

    2. (2) The bags on  (销售) are fifteen yuan each.

    3. (3) Here are  (十五) pencils.

    4. (4) The old man over there  (需要) help.

    5. (5) I want to buy a  (毛衣) for my mother.

  • 15. 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中 选择最佳答案填空。

        My name is Jim White. I 1 a schoolboy. My school is 2 my home. Every day, it takes me 3 to get there. The road is not 4. So I can't go to school 5. I often get there by bus or 6. It takes me thirty 7 to get there by bus and an hour on foot. I must get up very early every morning. I have no time 8 breakfast at home. I often have something for breakfast 9 or on the bus. I don't want to 10 school. So sometimes I run to school.

    A . is B . are C . am D . be
    A . far from B . from C . far D . away
    A . a lot time B . many time C . a lot of time D . a bit time
    A . long B . flat(平坦的) C . short D . clean
    A . on bike B . by bike C . by a bike D . in bike
    A . by walk B . walk C . on foot D . by foot
    A . hours B . seconds C . minutes D . days
    A . for B . with C . of D . to
    A . at home B . at school C . in the way D . on a shop
    A . is late for  B . are late for  C . be late of  D . be late for
  • 16. 根据短文理解完成下列各题。

    Today is the twins' birthday(生日). They are twelve. Jim, Mike, Kate and Bill are the twins' friends. They want to buy some presents(礼物) for them. There is a big shop near their school. It sells a lot of things. In the shop, people can buy foods, drinks and school things. The shop closes very late. So they can buy things on their way home. They buy a big cake, two boxes of color pencils, an orange yo-yo and some nice exercise books. They want to buy two dolls and two toy trains for the twins. But all the dolls and toys are too expensive.

    1. (1) Bill's school is          the big shop.

      A . over B . in C . not near to D . not far from
    2. (2) They buy          on the twins' birthday.

      A . the oranges B . the dolls C . a yo-yo D . some story
    3. (3) They don't buy          in the shop.

      A . the cakes B . the pencils C . exercise books D . the toy
    4. (4) Which sentence is NOT true?

      A . The shop only sells all kinds of foods and fruits B . They can buy different kinds of things in the shop C . They may buy school things from the shop D . The dolls and toy trains in the shop aren't cheap
  • 17. 根据短文理解完成下列各题。

    Shopkeeper: What can I do for you?

    Mrs. Green: I'd like a sweater for my son.

    Shopkeeper: What size do you want?

    Mrs. Green: Size "L".

    Shopkeeper: What colour do you like?

    Mrs. Green: I like blue.

    Shopkeeper: Which would you like, the woolen ones or the cotton ones?

    Mrs. Green: I'll have a look at the cotton ones.

    Shopkeeper: What about this one?

    Mrs. Green: Oh! It's great. How much does it cost?

    Shopkeeper: Fifty-five yuan.

    Mrs. Green: Hmm. That's cheap. I'll take it.

    1. (1) The speakers are talking         .

      A . in an office B . at school C . in a shop D . at the bus stop
    2. (2) Mrs. Green wants to buy a sweater for         .

      A . her father B . her son C . the shopkeeper D . herself
    3. (3) Mrs. Green would like to buy a          sweater.

      A . Size M B . green C . woolen D . Size L
    4. (4) The cotton sweater is         .

      A . 55 yuan B . 55 dollars C . expensive D . bad
    5. (5) What do we know about Mrs. Green?

      A . She buys the sweater in the end. B . She will not buy the sweater. C . She wants to see red sweaters. D . She wants a dear sweater.
  • 18. 根据短文理解完成下列各题。

    School Rules

    There are some school rules in Shuren Middle School. The students have different ideas about them. Let's have a look.

    Jack: Some of them are too strict— Don't give a call between classes. Don't ride a bike at school.

    Lucy: I don't think some of them are good— Don't be late. Don't eat food between classes. Girls can't wear miniskirts in summer.

    Maria: Some of them are good for our study and life— Keep the classroom clean every day. Boys' hair must be short. Girls' long hair must be tied up (扎起来). Wear school uniforms on school days.

    1. (1) Who is happy about the school rules?

      A . Jack. B . Lucy. C . Maria. D . Jack and Lucy.
    2. (2) Jack thinks the rule of not riding a bike at school is         .

      A . polite B . easy C . good D . strict
    3. (3) The word "miniskirts" means in Chinese.

      A . 长裙 B . 超短裙 C . 外衣 D . 长裤
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT allowed(被允许) in Shuren Middle School?

      A . Jack has short hair at school. B . Lucy never takes food with her to school. C . Maria wears the school uniform to school. D . Jack calls his friends between classes.
  • 19. 根据短文理解完成下列各题。

        Australia is the smallest continent(洲) in the world. It is a little smaller than China. It is to the south of the equator(赤道). So when it is summer in our country, it is winter in Australia.

    Australia has a small population(人口). The population of Australia is nearly the same as that of Shanghai, a city in China.

        Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos(袋鼠). After a short drive from any town, you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep. Sheep are everywhere. Have you ever seen a kangaroo? It has a "bag" below its breast(胸). The mother kangaroo keeps its baby kangaroos in the "bag". It is very strange, isn't it?

    1. (1) China is          than Australia.

      A . larger B . large C . small D . smaller
    2. (2) It is          in Australia when it is summer in our country.

      A . autumn B . spring C . winter D . summer
    3. (3) The population of Australia is almost the same as that of in China         .

      A . Beijing B . Tianjin C . Nanjing D . Shanghai
    4. (4) Australia is famous for its         .

      A . sheep and kangaroos B . sheep and deer C . elephants and kangaroos D . birds and kangaroos
    5. (5) Why does the passage say the kangaroo is a strange animal? Because         .

      A . it is a kind of bird B . it has a "bag" below its breast C . it is a kind of fish D . it is very dangerous
  • 20. 根据短文内容,判断正误。

        People in New Zealand have a very special way of greeting(问候) people. It's called Hongi(碰鼻礼).

        When people meet, they always greet each other by pressing one's nose against another's nose. When a visitor is greeted in this way, people there won't see the person as a visitor any more, but one of the people of the land. Of course, during the visitor's stay, he has to share all the duties(职责).

        At meetings or important ceremonies(典礼) people always greet in this way. And it's just like the handshake in our country.

    1. (1) Hongi is a way of greeting people in New Zealand.

    2. (2) A visitor can't be greeted in this way.

    3. (3) When a man is greeted in this way, he has to stay there.

    4. (4) People in New Zealand always greet in this way at meetings.

    5. (5) The handshake isn't often used in China now.

  • 21. 补全对话(选择)。

    A: . What's this in English?

    B: .

    A: How do you spell it?

    B: .

    A: .

    B: It's green.

    A: Thank you for your help.

    B: .

    A. How are you?

    B. It's a ruler.

    C. You're welcome.

    D. Excuse me.

    E. RULER.
    F. How old are you?

    G. What color is it?

