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牛津译林版初中英语七年级下册 Unit 8 Pets 第四课...

更新时间:2018-07-20 浏览次数:404 类型:同步测试
一、 根据汉语提示、首字母、英文释义或句意写单词。
四、 短文填空
  • 30. 单词拼写

        The kangaroo (袋鼠) is a symbol (标志) of Australia. They jump hand far. Most of them live in wild places or in the z  But in an Australian family, there is a special member. He likes vegetables and bread. He also likes playing football and watching TV. You may not believe the family member is a kangaroo. His name is Beemer.

        Beemer is a pet kangaroo in a home in Far North, Australia. His owner (主人), Julianne Bradley, khim after his mother died (去世) in a car accident. At that time, Beemer was oa baby. Bradley fBeemer milk. She looked ahim as her own son. They had a happy life.

        Now, Beemer is nearly (将近) 18 mold. He shares the house with Bradley and her opets: a sheep, a dog and a cat. Every morning, he eats breakfast with Bradley. Then he plays athe house. At night, he watches TV with Bradley. “I love him and he loves me," Bradley said. “I would be very sad if he ran abut I don't think he will. He is just like part of the family."

  • 31. 根据以下提示,以“My Favourite Pet"为题,用英语写一篇70个词左右的短文。






    My Favourite Pet

