当前位置: 小学英语 /牛津上海版(深圳用) /六年级下册 /Module 3 Things we do /Unit 9 Reusing things
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更新时间:2018-05-30 浏览次数:124 类型:同步测试
  • 1.  翻译下列单词。
    1. (1) 笔筒       
    2. (2) 花瓶
    3. (3) 蜡笔        
    4. (4) 重新使用
    5. (5) 橡皮        
    6. (6) 信封
    7. (7) 瓶子      
    8. (8) 易拉罐
二、 根据句子内容选择与其相对应的图片
  • 2. 根据句子内容选择与其相对应的图片。

    A.       B.       C.

    D.              E.

    ⑴We can make a pen holder.

    ⑵I can make a vase.

    ⑶We can reuse the rubber.

    ⑷They are cans.

    ⑸It is the sign of reusing.

  • 8. 根据短文回答下面的问题。

        A man is going to the house of a rich man. He sees a box of good apples by the road. He says," I don't want them, because the rich man will give me a lot of good food." Then he takes the apples and throws them into the dustbin (垃圾桶).

        He comes to a river. The water in the river is very deep and he can't get across (穿过) it. He says to himself, "I can't go to the rich m an' s house today." So he goes home.

        He has nothing to eat the day. He is very hungry, so he comes to the apples.

        Don't throw good things away, you may be glad to have them sometimes.

    1. (1) Where does the man find a box of apples?

    2. (2) Why does he throw the apples away?

    3. (3) He can't go to the rich man's house. Why?

    4. (4) Why the man is hungry and comes to the apples?

    5. (5) What do you learn from this story (故事) ?

