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  • 1. (2019高二上·荔湾期末) 阅读理解

        Thanks to exchange programmes an increasing number of young students are following educational courses in foreign countries. The Erasmus Programme, which started in 1987, is a European Union student exchange programme. It provides opportunities for young people from Europe to study in a foreign country for shot An intercontinental version of the programme, known as Erasmus Mundus, has existed since 2003, providing non-Europeans the opportunity to study in Europe.

    Student's name: Paul Dupont

    Erasmus trip: Lyon-Aberdeen

    Time: in 2007

    Cool! What an amazing time that was! We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun! To me, Erasmus means discovering a completely new lifestyle You live together with new friends in a different country.

    Sorry, the heating system in our apartment was horrible and the food was strange, but hey... anyhow. It's amazing!

    Student's name: Beatrice Giletti Erasmus

    trp: Verona-Du blin

    Time: in 2008

    I went to Dublin, in Ireland. It was a great discovery, which opened up the world to me and I made many friends from different countries and cultures. The experience changed my life. I felt richer, smarter and happier after my time on Erasmus. My English became almost fluent and I knew so much about the world and about the people who live in it... Internationality has become part of my life, and I could not imagine living or working in a non-multicultural or non-multinational environment.

    Student's name: Wilmie Boot Erasmus trip: Rotterdam—Naples Time: in 2009

    When I first arrived, the first of the city of Naples struck me and I loved it from the first second! The language is a beautiful mixture of Italian, Greek, Latin, Spanish and the influences of the villages surrounding Naples. I have wonderful memories of my year in the Universita Federico Ⅱ in Naples and the time spent in our dormitory, where I was the only foreigner among the Italian students. If I were to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing!

    1. (1) Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
      A . Student Exchange programmes. B . World-wide Programmes. C . Educational Programmes. D . Continential Programmes.
    2. (2) What do you know from the passage?
      A . Erasmus Mundus lasts for nearly 32 years up to now. B . Beatrice Giletti went to Dublin from Rotterdam. C . Erasmus Mundus lasts for 16 years up to now. D . Paul Dupont studies together mostly with Italians.
    3. (3) Paul Dupont thought highly of the Erasmus Programme except ________.
      A . seasons in the sun B . a completely new life C . living with new friends D . the apartment heating
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
      A . People in the city of Naples speak many languages. B . Beatrice's lifestyle was greatly changed after her experience in Dublin. C . Naples was so beautiful that Wilmie Boot loved it at the first sight. D . If Wilmie had a choice again, she would choose no other places than Naples.
