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  • 1. (2019·十堰模拟) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        It was my first year of graduate school and my professor was standing on the platform. He was telling us about a 1he made years ago.

        About a decade earlier, my professor had been a sales manager at a large company. They were 2a national campaign and preparing for a major brand launch. My professor was3the operation.

        For almost two months before the launch day, he was 4all over the country to talk with major partners.5crossing the country on flights, he was also trying to 6his department. For weeks he would have meetings all day, answer7and phone calls all night, and8three or four hours of sleep.

        The week before the big launch day, his body9. He had to be rushed to the hospital. Major organs had started to10from the long-term stress. He spent the next eight days in hospital, 11to do anything as the launch day came and went.

        Imagine that your 12and energy are a bucket of water. In your daily life, there are things that 13your bucket up. These are inputs like sleep, nutrition, laughter, and other forms of 14. There are also forces that drain(使排出) the water from your bucket. These are15like stress from work or school, relationship problems, or other forms of anxiety.

        The forces that drain your bucket aren't all 16. To live a productive life, it can be important to have some things17out of your bucket. Working hard in the gym, at school, or at the office allows you to produce something 18. But positive outputs are still outputs and they drain your energy 19. These outputs are gradual. Even a little leak can result in significant water loss20 time.

    A . prediction B . decision C . fortune D . mistake
    A . at the end of B . in the middle of C . at the mercy of D . on the way to
    A . sponsoring B . leading C . assisting D . adopting
    A . researching B . driving C . flying D . inspecting
    A . Before B . Though C . While D . Since
    A . run B . promote C . expand D . observe
    A . emails B . charges C . problems D . doors
    A . pull in B . squeeze in C . take in D . bring in
    A . give up B . give in C . give out D . give away
    A . disappear B . suffer C . function D . fail
    A . ready B . unwilling C . eager D . unable
    A . health B . status C . success D . reputation
    A . break B . pack C . fill D . cover
    A . rest B . recovery C . entertainment D . accommodation
    A . restrictions B . consequences C . examples D . outputs
    A . uncontrollable B . unpredictable C . uncomfortable D . unfavorable
    A . flowing B . slipping C . escaping D . growing
    A . typical B . valuable C . casual D . exotic
    A . suddenly B . surprisingly C . partly D . thoroughly
    A . over B . beyond C . after D . before
