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  • 1. (2019高二上·潮州期末) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        Photos of eight-year-old Wang Fuman, nicknamed by “Snowflake Boy” in Yun Nan, shared by his principal on Tuesday, showed the boy has a red face from the low temperatures and apparently did not wear enough clothes to keep warm. He also suffered from frostbite. He stood alone with his white hair and eyebrows while other classmates behind were clearly amused and laughing. The picture drew widespread attention around the whole world. Many netizens (网民) were sympathetic to the boy's difficulties, with many Mircoblog users giving comments under the report.

        Just after the report, a donation of 100,000 yuan was sent to his Primary School. Constantly, help still pours in for the Chinese boy. But the local authorities call on others to pay attention to other similar rural areas and give them timely aid. In China, there are still so many children just like Fuman living by himself with parents migrating to cities to make a living.

    Boy's hair is completely FROZEN after he walked an hour to school on a harsh winter morning in rural (and there was no heating when he got there).

    The third-grade pupil in Yunnan, China, walks 2.8 miles to school every day.

    He braved minus nine degree weather yesterday morning to sit an exam.

    His hair and eyebrows had turned into icicles when he aimed at the school.

    —Abstracted from Daily Post

    I have tears in my eyes reading this... Poor little soul doesn't even have a hat or gloves, and I can't imagine how cold he must have felt. But he did it! Wish the little boy all good things in life. Hope he become a brilliant adult and success in life and happiness.

    —Mng. PL, Mauritius, 19 hours ago

    This kid is amazing. If I were him, I probably would have frozen to death. And this is why China will rule the world soon! He'll fight a war tomorrow for his motherland! Take note you poor snowflake students of the UK. If this happened in the UK, they would arrive to find the school closed. Our kids are too soft!!!

    —Honest John, Birmingham, 18 hours ago

    He walked an hour in that weather and still got 99% for the math exam. Wow! With such an ttitude and perseverance, I hope that he succeeds in life and gets all the good things that he deserves. Now he is not a snowflake.

    —Lucial Cathey, Liverpool, 15 hours ago

    1. (1) What can we learn about Fuman from the text?
      A . The boy didn't do well in the examination. B . The boy lives in rural area with his parents. C . The boy's school has some simple heating appliance. D . The boy managed to take exams despite of bad weather.
    2. (2) Why does Honest John call the UK students poor snowflake?
      A . British like to name teenagers as snowflake. B . The students in UK are fond of being called snowflake. C . The students in UK are too weak to endure extreme weather. D . UK always has heavy snow storms in winter as Yun Nan.
    3. (3) Which best describes the netizens' attitude toward Wang Fuman?
      A . Sympathetic B . Uncaring C . Cautious D . Dissatisfied
    4. (4) What can we infer from the text?
      A . All the British students don't like to walk in the snow. B . There are still people live hard in mountainous areas in China. C . The school in the newspaper will rebuilt in the near future. D . The boy gained much donation from people around the world.
