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  • 1. (2019七下·余姚月考) A-E 是不同的俱乐部信息。请你仔细阅读题中5位学生的情况说明,从A-E中为他们选出最符合各自兴趣爱好的俱乐部。

    A. Swimming Club

    If you want to learn swim or you like water sports you can come to our club. Come and join our club.

    B. Collection Club

    We welcome anyone who is interested in collecting things. Here you can talk with other collectors.

    C. Music Club

    Come to our club. You can listen to nice music and learn about different kinds of instruments.

    D. Science Club

    Do you like science? Do you like doing experiments(实验)? Then come and join us!

    E. History Club

    You can find some books and videos about history here. You can also make some friends who like history.

    ⑴Linda likes collecting stamps(邮票). She wants to show her collection to others. 

    ⑵Dave is good at playing the piano. He likes soft music. 

    ⑶Lisa wants to learn swim. She thinks it's interesting. 

    ⑷Peter wants to become a scientist. And he wants to do some experiments. 

    ⑸Sally is interested in history and she also wants to make some friends. 
