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  • 1. (2019·桐乡竞赛) 阅读短文,掌握人意,然后从所给的A、B、c、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

        As time went by, myexcitement of driving wore of. So I 1the21-day Mindful Walking Challenge and began to walk. And when you measure(测量) the distance between towns on foot, walk toplaces that you thought could only be reached by car, or talk to neighbors withwhom you never felt 2to communicate, it will change yourmind!

        I talked to the newneighbor next door who just had a baby, and two different gardeners ondifferent days while walking. I listened to their 3ingardening after a tiring day. I 4 everyone passing by me. A friend walked withme one day and held my hand as I closed my eyes to experience being 5. We stopped frequently(频繁地)6I could take mentalpictures about all the beauty I often missed on my busy days, a purple flower,a tree branch 7shining green leaves, a bird's nest... Westopped by a persimmon(柿子) tree and met the owner andher two kids. Her family moved here from Germany three months ago. We asked ifwe could 8some persimmons. "Yes, please. Idon't know what to do with 9," she said. I walked to thestreets that I 10 would not pass through if I had a tightschedule in mind, and 11a tiny free library on the sidewalk. I beganto 12 ifI had really lived in this town all these years. It's a13 new town that I know so little about!

        I hold deep14 for the 21-day Mindful walking Challengehosted by Nicole Huguenin. One day, my 15 might reach far lands again, yet I know wonderis right here and right now.

    A . received B . faced C . found D . joined
    A . fun B . necessary C . bored D . shy
    A . joy B . lessons C . argument D . discussion
    A . looked at B . smiled at C . talked to D . agreed with
    A . hurt B . angry C . blind D . disappointed
    A . so B . when C . before D . until
    A . among B . through C . with D . against
    A . hide B . grow C . touch D . pick
    A . it B . us C . you D . them
    A . always B . normally C . seldom D . forever
    A . remembered B . imagined C . reached D . discovered
    A . tell B . realize C . question D . understand
    A . really B . mainly C . completely D . possibly
    A . thanks B . courage C . pride D . wishes
    A . minds B . feet C . hands D . jobs
