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  • 1. (2019七下·浙江期末) 单词拼写

    Dear Tony,

        I'm(抱歉的)that I can't go to the sports center with you today. Your grandpa is not (感觉)well. He's got a high fever. I have to take (他)to the hospital right away. Let me tell you the (最佳的)way to the sports center.

        You know the street in front of our (家)? It's Bridges Street. Walk (出来)of the front door and turn left. Then walk (沿着)Bridge Street. Go straight on and soon you will (到达)at the City Fountain. It will take you about ten (分钟)to get there. Look ahead and you can see a river. (跨过)the bridge over the river and then turn right. There is a large park on your left. The sports center is next to the park. You can't miss it.

    Have fun.

