Modern-day robots are programmed to handle tasks that are normally carried out by humans. They are faster and(accurate) than human workers and never ask for a pay rise or take breaks!
Robots are also able to workdangerous situations.
Researchers at the University of Arkansas in the United States say that the mobile robots which have been created already are ideal for the job of hospital attendants. These mobile robots store a(detail) map of the hospital in their memory. The robots' sensors can detect(object) and quickly get out of the way. Although these robots cannot go up and down know how(press) a button of an elevator.
Researchers at a Massachusetts' university are creating the first robot can constantly change its shape according to the task it has to do. These are called polymorphic robots. "Polymorphic" meansability to take different forms. A 3D printer(place) inside the robot to create the desired shape. The entire process of changing forms in this manner is called the rapid printing technology which is(fair) common in the car industry to produce complex 3D structures quickly. Once the robot has performed(it) task, it can be melted down and recycled into another useful part by the 3D printer.