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  • 1. (2019·湘潭模拟) 阅读理解

        Hotshot jet pilots are no match for cliff swallows. The birds rocket over bridges and skim over lakes, rushing forward at accelerations that would knock an Air Force. By tracking these contests with high-speed cameras, a new study gives the first, in-depth peek into avian aerodynamics (鸟类空气力学) in the wild. "The findings may even provide insight into how to design better micro air vehicles-tiny drones. This technology will be brilliantly useful," says biomechanics expert Jim Usherwood of the United Kingdom's Royal Veterinary College in Hatfield. "High-resolution field studies like this have never been done before for birds."

        For cliff swallows, the trouble starts when they return from wintering in South America to their summer homes in North America. After arrival, they seek out their old mud nests—usually located under concrete bridges and freeways-and start rebuilding their homes. But rather than hunt down a fresh supply of mud, some swallows prefer stealing supplies from their more hardworking neighbors. Others take things further and will even lay an egg or two in their neighbor's nest before taking off.

        Battles in the air follow if the invaders are caught in the act, and a new study takes advantage of these fights to learn how birds perform high-speed maneuvers (演习). The team placed three cameras along a North Carolina lake crossed by a highway bridge that houses several cliff swallow nests and waited for the battles to commence.

    The team was surprised to learn that most of the time, chasers copied the move of fleeing invaders. Swallows also pull very hard turns to escape an enemy, with one extreme case reaching 7.8 gravity. Fighter pilots usually pass out at about 5 or 6 gravity, which is why these experiments have earned interest, and partial funding, from the Office of Naval Research. The Navy may use the findings to build better guidance systems for micro air vehicles. However, the swallows' biomechanics are complex, and now the team is simply trying to collect a few tricks.

    1. (1) Why did the Usherwood carry out the studies?
      A . To guide a better design of air vehicles. B . To prove the swallows are better at flying. C . To experiment with its high-speed cameras. D . To track how the swallows skim over lakes.
    2. (2) What leads to the battles among the birds?
      A . Sharing food. B . Occupying others' nests. C . Seizing mud for nesting. D . Competing for the use of bridges.
    3. (3) Which can best replace the underlined word "commence" in paragraph 3?
      A . continue B . accelerate C . end D . begin
    4. (4) What is the trick of the swallow to escape its enemy?
      A . Accelerating toward it. B . Copying what its enemy do. C . Making sharp turns during flight. D . Seeking for help from its fellows.
