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  • 1. (2019七下·泰兴期中) 阅读理解

        Now more and more people like taking photos of the food before they eat it. Scientists say that makes food taste more delicious. Do you take photos of your food before having a meal? If your answer is "Yes", now there is a piece of good news for you. The world's first pay-by-photo restaurant, Soho's Picture House, opened in Britain in May, 2015. People could pay for their meals by uploading photos of their food.

        If customers(顾客) send photos of the food to Twitter(推特)or Facebook(脸书), they needn't pay for the food. There is also a photo expert in the restaurant. She will help customers take better photos of their food.

        According to the research, more than half of people always take photos of their meals. The activity is a part of the "Food for life" project(项目)of the restaurant. It aims to(旨在)show real food and the way people behave(表现)at meal time.

    1. (1) Scientists say many people take photos of the food before eating it because_______.
      A . the food looks very nice B . they pay for food in this way C . it makes food taste better D . that's their hobby
    2. (2) When did Soho's Picture House open?
      A . In April, 2015. B . In May, 2015. C . In April, 2016. D . In May, 2016.
    3. (3) The underlined word "uploading" means"_________ "in Chinese.
      A . 购买 B . 售卖 C . 下载 D . 上传
    4. (4) The "Food for Life" project aims to_________.
      A . help more people take more beautiful photos B . 1et more people eat their food C . show the way people behave at meals D . help people know how to eat healthily
    5. (5) The best title for the passage is"_____________".
      A . Good news B . Food for life C . Photos of food D . Pay by photos
