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  • 1. (2019·江西模拟) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中。使短文意思通順、结构完整。

    A. They never watch TV.

    B. They prefer to read rather than watch TV.

    C. How has this contributed to their success?

    D. They will not accomplish (完成) tasks that have to be done.

    E. A great idea, motivation, persistence and a little luck will help.

    F. Successful people expect luck will find them, and it usually does.

    G. So they are prepared to deal with the challenges that wait for them.

    Good Habits of Successful People

        Have you ever wondered how some people have gotten so successful? Sure you have. But most successful people share certain habits. Here are several habits that have helped place them on the top.

        They get goals and imagine.

        Ninety-five percent of the successful achievers practice writing down their goals, plans, or visions for success on a regular basis. Successful people do this the night before, or early in the morning.

        They wake up early.

        President Obama, Richard Branson and Tim Cook are known to be early risers. Because early risers are able to start their days ahead of everyone else to respond to others, exercise and find some personal time, they tend to be happier and more proactive (积极的).


        Sixty-seven percent of rich people only watch TV for one hour or less per day. Corley also found only six percent of the wealthy watch reality shows, while 78 percent of the poor do. Additionally, 86 percent of the wealthy love to read with an impressive 88 percent claiming that they read for self-improvement for 30 minutes or more per day.

        They know when to say "no".

        Successful people realize that by saying "no" to negativity, extra work and activities that waste time, they can focus on increasing their productivity. If they say "yes" to everyone or everything, they'll be too distracted.
