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  • 1. (2019六下·东莞期末) 你看过医生吗?看医生的时候你是什么心情?读下面的短文,回答问题。

        Some kids are afraid of seeing the dentist, but not me. I have a funny dentist. His name is Dr. Smileface. Why does he call himself Dr. Smileface? Because he always smiles to all the kids. He has a cool waiting room. It has a big toy box. Dr. Smileface always wears funny hats. He has his face painted. He asks funny questions like "Do you eat flowers to make you so beautiful?" That makes me laugh. One time, he told me this joke, "What has lots of teeth but never goes to the dentist? A comb!" When I laughed, he pulled my tooth. It didn't hurt at all. He also teaches us how to take care of my teeth.

    (New words:  joke玩笑,  teeth牙齿,  comb梳子,  smile微笑,

    take care of照顾)

    1. (1) Choose a title for the story ____________ .
      A . My favourite nurse B . My favourite dentist
    2. (2) What does the word “dentist” mean?
      A . 牙医 B . 兽医
    3. (3) Why is the dentist's name Dr. Smileface?
      A . He wants to make the kids happy.        B . He wants to make the kids afraid.
    4. (4) What does Dr. Smileface do when he pulls my tooth?
      A . Tell me the joke. B . Teach me how to take care of the teeth.
    5. (5) How do the children feel when Dr. Smileface tells the jokes?
      A . They are worried. B . They are relaxed.
