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  • 1. 根据汉语完成句子

    1. (1) 关于万圣节前夕你了解到了什么?

        What have you Halloween?

    2. (2) 我认为装扮成卡通人物是有趣的!

      I think it's fun to as cartoon characters!

    3. (3) 说起圣诞节,人们会想到哪些常见的东西?

      What are the common things that people for Christmas?

    4. (4) 分享和给予爱的意义是让我们周围的人高兴起来。

      The meaning of and giving love is to make people happy.

    5. (5) 许多西方国家庆祝复活节。

      Many western celebrate Easter.

    6. (6) 为什么斯克鲁奇憎恨圣诞节?

      Why Scrooge hate Christmas?

    7. (7) 当在圣诞节醒来时,斯克鲁奇感觉怎样?

      How does Scrooge feel when he on Christmas Day?

    8. (8) 然后谈论人们做什么和吃什么。

      Then what people do and eat.

    9. (9) 我最喜爱的中国节日是春节。

      My Chinese festival is Spring Festival.

    10. (10) 请解释你为什么最喜欢它并且它让你感觉如何。

      Please explain you like it best and it makes you feel.
