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  • 1. 根据汉语完成句子

    1. (1) —这儿难道不冷吗?    


      it cold here?

      , it .

    2. (2) 我喜欢运动,我参加了校运动队。

      I like sports, and I am .

    3. (3) 目前,贫困山区的孩子对网络安全非常感兴趣。

      Now, the poor children in mountain villages   in the Internet safety.

    4. (4) 因为公共场所禁止吸烟,我相信越来越多的人将会戒烟。

      I believe more and more people will smoking because it's not allowed in public.

    5. (5) 丹尼尔过去常常在两餐之间吃零食,但是现在不吃了。

      Daniel eat a lot of snacks between meals, but now he doesn't eat any more.
