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  • 1. 根据汉语完成下列英语句子

    1. (1) 吃饭时不要用筷子指着别人。

      Don't others chopsticks while eating.

    2. (2) 第一件事情是向老师们打招呼。

      The first thing is the teachers.

    3. (3) 在保罗的聚会上,玛丽亚犯了些错误,她穿错了衣服。

      At Paul's party, Maria some . She the wrong clothes.

    4. (4) 高中和初中的教学方式是不同的。

      The ways of teaching in the senior school are those in the junior school.

    5. (5) 现在她渐渐习惯了在国外生活。

      Now, she is getting abroad.
