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  • 1. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词

    1. (1) My aunt c her child upstairs to bed just now.

    2. (2) Being blind and deaf, the poor boy can't i what his future will be like.

    3. (3) The boy is so c that he can work out many difficult problems.

    4. (4) Your new dress is s to mine. Did you also buy it at the mall close to my home?

    5. (5) The old man is a little d,please speak more loudly.

    6. (6) I didn't (理解)what you said just now. Would you please say it again?

    7. (7) It is not wise of young people to (改变)their jobs from time to time.

    8. (8) Listen! Someone is knocking at the (门).
