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  • 1. 根据汉语提示完成句子

    1. (1) 今后我会更加努力地学习。

      I will study harder .

    2. (2) 晚饭后他喜欢闲逛。

      He enjoys after dinner.

    3. (3) 不要生他的气。

      Don't him.

    4. (4) 你与同学们相处得如何?

      How are you your classmates?

    5. (5) 由于污染,许多人担心自己的健康。

      Many people their health because of the pollution.

    6. (6) 昨天直到雨停了学生们才离开公园。

      The students the rain stopped yesterday.

    7. (7) 青少年(teenagers)应该经常和父母交流。

      Teenagers should often their parents.

    8. (8) 计算出这道数学题对我来说很难。

      difficult for me the math problem.

    9. (9) 小时候他害怕和别人争吵。

      He was afraid of others when he was young.

    10. (10) 他不介意向空巢老人(empty nest elderly)提供帮助。

      He doesn't empty nest elderly.
