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  • 1. (2019八下·厦门期末) 从每小题所给的A、B、 C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案

    As a kid, your parents made decisions about everything from the food you ate in the morning to the pajama (睡衣) you wore at night. This is a good thing—kids need this because they are too 1 to live by themselves.

        But sooner or later, kids grow up and become teens. And part of being a teen is 2 a new you—one that is different from your parents'. This change may make your parents feel 3.

    They aren't prepared for the new you yet—they still 4 you as the kid who knew nothing. In most families, this change can also cause a lot of fighting between teens and parents. You want to cover your walls with pop-star pictures; they don't understand 5 you don't like your children's wallpaper anymore. You think it's OK to 6 at the shopping mall every day after school, they hope that you play a sport.

    It can take several years for parents and teens to 7 their new roles. And sometimes this can feel impossible—like they just don't understand you and never will. But talking and sharing your 8 can help you get more understanding from your parents; and you may be able to get the 9 that everyone is happy about. For example, if you clean you room in order to stay out an hour later, both you and your parents will walk away with a good 10.

        Keep in mind that your parents were teens once and they can relate to what you're going through.

    A . young B . busy C . serious
    A . moving B . developing C . beating
    A . upset B . bored C . unfair
    A . regard B . record C . remind
    A . how B . why C . what
    A . give out B . run out C . hang out
    A . get along with B . get used to C . get angry at
    A . facts B . inventions C . opinions
    A . result B . report C . research
    A . deal B . job C . way
