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  • 1. (2019八下·厦门期末) 阅读理解

        Have you ever been to places with nobody living there? You can find ghost towns (废城) all over the world. Here are a few famous ones.

        Gold was first found in Bodie in 1859. 15 years later, it had become a busy town and had a population of about 10,000. But when all the resource (资源) went, so did the people. It became Bodie State Historic Park in 1962 and is kept as a kind of museum.

        Hashima is a ghost island near Japan. In 1887, people found coal (煤) there, so buildings, hospitals, libraries and schools were built. However, in 1974, the coal ran out and the people left. In 2009, a small part of Hashima was reopened for tourism.

        Craco was built in the 8thcentury in southern Italy. But many earthquakes(地震) happened there every year, so the people had to move to a near town in 1963. Craw has become a town _____________ since then. Nowadays, the only way to step in it is by taking a guided tour.

        Pripyat was developed quickly in the 1970s. There were schools, sports halls and an amusement park. But it became a ghost town after a nuclear reactor explosion (核反应堆爆炸)on 26thApril, 1986. In 36 hours, all the people left the town. According to scientists, because of the nuclear accident, it will take about 20,000 years before it is open for humans.

    1. (1) Both Bodie and Hashima Island were once famous for ________________.
      A . large populations B . natural resources C . high buildings D . rich culture
    2. (2) What are the missing words in the blank of Paragraph Craco?
      A . without people B . filled with visitors C . covered with snow D . full of gold
    3. (3) ____________ is not safe for people to visit now.
      A . Bodie B . Hashima Island C . Craco D . Pripyat
    4. (4) According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
      A . Bodie had a population of 1000, 000. B . Hashima Island was in Korea. C . Craco was the oldest town of the four. D . Pripyat was built in 1986.
    5. (5) In which part of a magazine can you probably read the passage?
      A . Travel B . Space C . Sports D . Art
