On most weekends, you can find Zoe Stone. 8. in front of a computer. But she isn't playing games or watching videos. She's learning how to write code.
Code is a set of instructions (指令). It tells a computer what to do. Coders are the people who write the instructions for a computer. Coders make websites or apps. Apps can be used for everything from playing games to checking the weather. Coders solve problems and work together. They know how to think big and small.
Zoe began to learn coding when she was 4 years old. She uses coding to create art, solve problems and make games. Zoe likes coding because it's creative. "Coding is really fun," she said. "You can show what you think in what you make."
How does Zoe learn coding? She takes classes at Code. org. The website offers hundreds of free code lessons for kids. In fact, more than 29 million students in 180 countries use it. It hopes to bring coding to even more kids.
"We believe that every child should have the chance to learn about computers and coding," said Alice Steinglass, the president (负责人) of Code. org. "Computers are part of our world," she said. "It's important for kids to understand how they work."