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  • 1. 阅读理解

    A: Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your schoolbag?

    B: No, it isn't. My schoolbag is here. You can ask the girl in red. I think it's he.

    A: OK. Excuse me. Is this your schoolbag?

    C: Oh, yes.

    A: Here you are.

    C: Thank you very much.

    A: That's all right. Oh, what's your name, please?

    C: My name is Jenny.

    A: Are you in Class Two?

    C: No. I'm in Class Eight. And what's your name?

    A: Ah, it' s a secret(秘密). Goodbye.

    C: Bye.

    1. (1) This dialogue happens(发生)        .
      A . in a store B . in Jenny's room C . at school D . at home
    2. (2) The schoolbag is       .
      A . the boy's B . Jenny's C . Sonia's D . Mary's
    3. (3) Jenny is        .
      A . a girl B . a boy C . a woman D . a teacher
    4. (4) Jenny        in Class Two.
      A . and Sonia are B . is C . is not D . are
    5. (5) Jenny        .
      A . doesn't know A's name B . is Sonia's friend C . is a teacher D . is in class three
