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  • 1. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空—词。

        Here is a truth. Humans are born with the (能力) to communicate, but some people are better at it. Some people are very good at words, and find it easy to express their ideas. But some people find it difficult to express themselves well during a(n) (谈话), especially in public(公开地). The good news is that the (技巧) can  be learned. Here are some pieces of advice.

        Remember that talking to other people depends on body language and facial (表情) besides words. If you look and sound confident(自信的), people will pay (注意) to what you say, even if you don't feel so confident.

        Look people in the eye when you speak to them. It makes you seem more honest, friendly, open and (有耐心的). Of course they will find it easier and more fun to talk to you.

        (练习) listening to other people. The most important part of_ (交流) is listening .That's why we have two ears and one mouth. When you listen to people, watching their faces and body language will help you understand and (记住) what they mean,

        Think before you open your mouth. The best communicators express their ideas in short and simple ways (明智地). If you are trying to convince(使信服) people of something, be clear and use as few words as possible.
