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  • 1. 阅读对话,判断下列句子的正误。

    Tom: Hi, Lily. Let's go to the zoo.

    Lily: Great! Let's go!

    Tom: Look at the elephant. It's very big.

    Lily: Yes. Look at the panda. It's cute.

    Tom: I like the panda.

    Lily: Me too. Look, what's that?

    Tom: It's a brown bear. It's on the log.

    Lily: Wow, cool!

    1. (1) Tom and Lily go to school together.
    2. (2) The panda is big.
    3. (3) They like the panda very much.
    4. (4) The bear is brown.
    5. (5) The bear is on the log.
