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  • 1. 完形填空

        One day a poor farmer was taking a bag of rice to a town. Suddenly the bag1off his cart onto the road. He didn't know2 he could do with it because it was too3for him to lift alone. He hoped that someone would soon pass by and give him a hand.

        Just at that moment, a man riding a 4came up to him. But the farmer felt5when he saw who he was. It was the great man who lived nearby. He thought the great man6help him, and hoped another farmer would come up. But the man got 7his horse right away and said, "I think you need help." Then he took one end of the bag and the farmer took 8. They lifted it together and put it on the cart.

        "Sir," asked the farmer, "how much should I 9you?"

        "Don't mention it," the great man answered. "When you see10else in trouble, do the same for him."

    A . felt B . fall C . fell D . feel
    A . what B . where C . when D . how
    A . heavy B . empty C . light D . small
    A . car B . bike C . horse D . train
    A . unhappy B . interested C . relaxed D . afraid
    A . would B . wouldn't C . must D . mustn't
    A . off B . on C . up D . in
    A . others B . other C . the other D . another
    A . take B . spend C . pay D . bring
    A . everyone B . anyone C . nobody D . no one
