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  • 1. 根据短文内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    A. Warm up enough.

    B. Make yourself seen.

    C. Get a partner.

    D. Take it inside.

    E. Make yourself comfortable.

        Winter can be a difficult time to take exercise. Apart from the short daylight and cold weather, there are also plenty of holidays to keep you away from exercising. So how to keep fit and not to put on too much weight during the winter time? Here are some tips for you.

        You don't necessarily have to do some intense(剧烈的) sports. When you run or walk, don't worry about how fast or slow you're going. Just find a rhythm(节奏) that makes you feel easy and comfortable. Winter is not the time to be strict with yourself.

        Before you head out, warm up indoors to slowly raise the heart rate(心率) , without sweating(流汗) a lot. Run in place, walk up and down the stairs, or use a jump rope. It does work as long as it can get your heart beating faster.

        Try to take exercise during the daytime. When the air is the warmest and the sun is out, the weather is more suitable for exercising. But if you have to walk or run in the dark, do carry a flashlight.

        Exercising with a friend, even once a week, can help you get out of the door. It's hard to stay and not to move when someone is waiting for you, and you two can encourage each other.

        If you cannot stand the cold outside, why not go for some indoor sports? You can take a yoga class, play badminton or swim in an indoor swimming pool. Whatever sport makes you want to exercise, just do it. Never stop moving for health!
