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  • 1. (2019·抚顺) 阅读理解

        The Temple of Heaven, in southern Beijing, was first built in 1420 and was rebuilt during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties would admire the god and hope for good harvest(收获). It is the largest group of buildings in the world to pay homage(致敬)to god.

        The Potala Palace was built in the seventh century and it has a long history of over 1300 years. In 641, Songtsan Gambo, the ruler of the Tubo kingdom, asked his people to build it for princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty. It has 13 floors and is 117 meters high. And it is made of wood and stone.

        The Terracotta Warriors and Horses (兵马俑) is the greatest historical and cultural site (遗址) in Lintong, Xi'an, Shanxi Province. Emperor Qin Shi Huang began to build it at the age of 13. It took 11 years. The terracotta figures(秦俑) have the same size as a real man. They have different heights, clothes and hairstyles because of their different levels.

        The Mogao Caves (莫高窟) is formed by 49.2 temples, 25 kilometers southeast of the center of Dunhuang. It is also called the Caves of a Thousand Buddhas (千佛洞). The largest statue(雕像)in front of the cave wall is 34.5 meters high and the smallest is only 2cm high. The art of Dunhuang covers more than 10 major forms, such as wall paintings, music and dance and so on.

    1. (1) The Temple of Heaven was first built___________.
      A . in 492 B . in 641 C . in 1311 D . in 1420
    2. (2) Songtsan Gambo built the Potala Palace for __________________.
      A . the god B . princess Wencheng C . his people D . Emperor Qin Shi Huang
    3. (3) You can visit _____________ if you are in Xi'an.
      A . the Temple of Heaven B . the Potala Palace C . The Terracotta Warriors and Horses D . the Mogao Caves
    4. (4) The smallest statue of the Caves of a Thousand Buddhas is _______________ high.
      A . 20n B . 34.5m C . 25km D . 13cm
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . The Pulala Palace is made of wood and stone. B . The terracotta figures are bigger than real men. C . The Mogao Caves is in the southwest of Dunhuang. D . The emperors admired the people in the Temple of Heaven.
